
Day 122

Day 122 of 182

I have been nervous about the up and coming holiday weekend for about a month and a half now. The past few years Valentine's Day has landed on a weekend, which intensifies things a lot.

So, today I am going to start preparing myself for the imminent hell that awaits me this weekend. I hit the exercise today but not hard, just a few miles. I am sorry, but today, I don't have a lot to say. I am stressing out about this weekend and of what lay in store for me.

2 miles

Cereal with milk and banana
Granola Bar
small salad
salmon with veggies
1 beer

ODBF Day 121

Day 121 of 182

It seems like everything in our house is either falling a part or breaking right now!I swear, there are probably half a dozen projects that need to be tackled, some of which will cost nothing, but a few that will most likely cost a little or perhaps, a lot. The most recent of which was our dryer. It bit the dust today and it is most likely dead. I kind of was expecting it though, because I have noticed that it didn't start automatically after pressing the start button several of the times that I most recently used it. . . and today it died. Adios dryer, thanks for all of the years of service. That means that I must now sacrifice my Wii Fit Board until next payday.

Maybe my currently unemployed husband will try to fix a few of the broken things around our home. . HINT HINT.

I have been losing a little bit of my motivation lately, I must admit. I am not sure what it is, a little lethargy, not feeling well, crazy schedule, most likely a menagerie of it all. I haven't done any strength training in a few weeks and my aerobic activity has dwindled to four times a week. I need to dig deep to rekindle my motivational spark. I hope that I can get the fit board soon so that I can spice things up a bit. I am beginning to feel a little bored with my current routine. I have not been eating enough fruits and veggies either. . I have a long list of the things that I am doing wrong, I must keep focused on things that I am doing.

3 miles

Cereal with milk
tuna sandwicb

Day 120

Day 120 of 182

I got up very very early this morning, I had to make an appointment in Salem, then had to be back in Portland by 11:00. . . I am not a morning person. I have never claimed to be nor will I ever be.

So, I endured a tedious and mind numbing work meeting, the only benefit being that I was able to enjoy an ice cold beer at the end of it, then I was off and barely beat the rush hour traffic home.

We have had some very nice days as of late, and I know that the groundhog saw his shadow, but judging by the weather today, one wouldn't know it. It is 60 and sunny! I got home and took Chula and the dog for a walk and soaked up some of the warm air and sunshine. I am preparing myself for a long and hard Valentine's Day weekend, so I am trying to soak up some calm before the certain madness.

3 miles

Grande Latte
Granola Bar
3" subway sandwich
16 oz Gatorade
handful baked Lays
1 beer
3 slices cheese pizza


Day 119

Day 119 of 182

I woke up today feeling a little under the weather. I feel like I am trying to get sick and I have had a hard time getting motivated to work out. I made an attempt to workout and after 2 miles, I felt exhausted and decided that it was enough.

I read recently that moderate exercise stimulates the immune system for a brief while after working out and those that work out on a regular basis are far less likely to get ill over all. Knock on wood, I have managed to get through this winter so far without getting really sick. There have been a few days where I felt like I was going down, but then I rebounded without incident. I hope that this is the same for this time around.

2 miles

naked juice
1/2 quesadilla
8 oz gatorade

Are you ready for some football!?

Day 118 of 182

Today is the Superbowl and today I am off from work, so that is nice. . . probably my first Superbowl off in several years. I have plans, just like a regular person!

I woke up a little later than I have been because I didn't hit the sheets last night until 3 A.M. My husband joined me for a workout this afternoon to help curb the beer calories I am destined to consume. I am routing for the underdog, The Saints and am excited to hang with friends and relax.

3 miles

cereal with milk
naked juice
16 oz Gatorade
garden burger with cheese
small salad
3 pieces of cheese pizza
4 beers
1 jager bomb

Day number 117

Day 117 of 182

I have been really struggling this week with my schedule, as I have mentioned. Today, I don't go in until later, which means that I won't get home until late. This allows me to workout during the time I preform the best. I am off tomorrow for the Superbowl and can't wait for the weekend!

I got distracted this morning though, because I got really caught up in Project Runway. . I love that show! So, after ward I went for a run and got myself ready for a busy busy day.

4 miles

Special K cereal with milk and blueberries
power bar
power bar
16 oz Gatorade
small salad
small salad
5 oz salmon
1 beer

My one hundred and sixteenth day


Another day another dollar right? I keep telling myself that. Today I got into an argument with a partner in one of our location about something trivial and petty, but I was pretty aggravated by the whole thing.

I maintained a professional demeanor but I was pretty frustrated. So, I muddled my way through it all, and made it work. Valentine's Day is quickly approaching, but I am not thinking of it in terms of romance. It is the busiest weekend of the year and it is crazy. I have been anticipating it's arrival for over a month now and not exactly looking forward to it.


power bar
16 oz Gatorade
veggie wrap
Naked Juice
2 beers
1 quesadilla

One One Five

Day 115 of 182

Well, it has been a few days since I fell off of my bike, which I continue to get crap about. I keep trying to tell people that it wasn't my fault, but it doesn't seem to make a bit of a difference.

My schedule continues to frustrate me and it changes on nearly a daily basis. It's all about establishing a routine, but that is proving to be impossible. I left for work today at 9:00 A.M. and got back home this evening at 8:00 P.M. My body still thinks that it is operating on a night owl's schedule so adjusting to an earlier mindset is actually pretty difficult.

2 miles

Special K cereal with blueberries
power bar
16 oz Gatorade
small salad
granola bar
red bull (12 oz)
large salad with salmon


one one four

Day 114 of 182

I woke up this morning in excruciating pain beginning at the tip of my toes, progressing throughout my entire body. My "accident" yesterday proved to hurt even more than I could imagine. I guess the older you are the harder you fall. As a child, I use to bounce more, but now that I am getting older, it is becoming apparent that I no longer bounce, I simply fall and hit the ground like a bag of rocks.

I actually got a blood blister on the tip of my toes and right now my appendages appear to resemble a Dalmatian but with purple and blue spots. I am walking with a limp because my knee is so sore and bruised and I was unable to walk or jog today. . . so that kind of sucked. Just add that to the list of inactive days.

I took my stupid bike to the bike shop yesterday so that I could fix the broken piece, twenty six dollars and a lot of shame later, drove the bike back home. Now, I can't complain too much about my Walmart special bike since I got it for free, but the guy who repaired my bicycle had no problem with making me feel embarrassed about my crappy, heavy bike. He also pointed out that it is too small for my height, which is no surprise because I got it from my sister in law who happens to be about a foot shorter than me. I informed my bicycle technician that this is just my starter bike and that I plan on purchasing a higher quality piece of machinery. . . Hopefully sooner than later.


odwalla granola bar
naked juice
special k cereal with blueberries and milk
2 crispy bean burritos
1/4 cheese quesadilla
2 beers


Fall off and get back on (day 113)

Day 113 of 182

I awoke today with the best exercise intentions. I got up early and I ventured out for a workout. I completed nearly four miles and was prepared for a bike ride and an additional walk. . . but, as I have discussed, things happen.

I went out for my run and that went o.k. and my day progressed. I noticed, while I was at the track, the variation of people frequenting the venue. It had it all, the fat and the thin, the fit and the unfit, the runners and the walkers, the young and the old. It was interesting how one common interest brought so many different people together.

I got home and I decided to go for a bike ride to go grab my lunch. . . that was until my pedal broke and I fell (hard) off of my bike into the street. Falling as a thirty something is not as easy as it was as a child and I hurt all over from the incident. I have multiple bruises and it basically sucks. So, I hurt and my efforts were in vain.

3.5 miles

power bar
16 oz gatorade
6" tuna sandwich
1 bag baked lays
1/2 power bar
7 oz salmon
wedge salad


Day 112 of 182

Only 70 days left and it has become very clear that I am not going to reach my numerical goal of 60 lbs in 6 months. Losing weight has gotten harder as I have gotten older and I have to take my gains as they come. It has not been as fast as I would like, but I am definitely on the right track.

I have not been feeling all that well lately because of my "time." Lack of energy, fatigue, etc., but that is the plight of being a woman. With the succession of the month comes physical change. That is the way it works.


Special k Power Bar
Harvest Bar
32 oz Gatorade
2 bags baked lays
3 peices of cheese pizza
1/4 cup ice cream


Sunday day 111

Day 111 of 182

My life went back to normal today. . . .if you can call my schedule normal. I returned to work today and things returned to my abnormal normalcy. Work was rough, but that is to be expected.

Sooo, things in life never follow a logical pattern. I went to my doctor SO scared and full of anxiety concerning my weight and expectations. I have, since I have kept, gained anywhere from 5 to 7 pounds.

I have been lackadaisical as of late in my exercise yet intentional with my dietary choices. You can always focus on the tangibles, but it is the intangibles that are the most difficult to control and trouble shoot. Life is full of curve balls and every twist and turn is inconceivable.

1 mile

Special K cereal with milk
16 oz Gatorade
small salad with dressing on the side
4 oz halibut
1/2 bun
small salad

The 110th day

Day 110 of 182

I have had a friend in town for the before mentioned funeral, and I have been busy entertaining company. I knew that this would impact my regular schedule, so I went into this weekend with that knowledge in hand.

So, I started my "period" (I hate that term) and I now realize why my weigh in was so skewed and why I freaked out. . . I am going to reweigh myself in 3 days so that I can get an actual weight, sans girl time. I am guessing the numbers will be slightly down. . probably an additional three to four pounds. . . good to me.

I am planning on going out tonight, visiting the "Shanghai Tunnels" downtown tonight, then dinner, then drinks, then Voo Doo Doughnuts (great for the diet)
so, it's nice to hang with family and friends, but emotionally draining.

2 miles

6 oz Gatorade
1 piece toast
2 slice pizza
2 pieces pita bread with hummus
1.5 glass wine
2 vodka soda
1 voodoo doughnut
1 piece pizza



Day 109 0f 182

I got up this morning knowing full well that I had to attend a funeral. Meanwhile, it is becoming apparent that my husband's step grandfather only has a few short days let and my own grandfather remains in the ICU after having open hear surgery. It seems like death and illness surrounds me and I the importance of taking care of myself and my heart. It only motivates me to keep fighting the good fight and continuing my quest. I don't have a lot of time, so i am keeping things short


proten bar
1/2 tuna sandwich
shrimp salad with blue cheese and french
3 vodkasoda
1 cheese quesadilla


108 days and a meltdown

Day 108 of 182

I had a routine doctor's appointment today for the sole purpose of checking my medication levels (for my asthma and spinal condition) but I nerv9ousoy knew that the appointment would include stepping on the scale and seeing my weight. I have literally been dreading this for five days, the knowledge of what was to transpire gnawing at me. Last week I had every intention of asking my husband to being the scale out of hiding in order to weigh myself, but my insecurities and fear got the better of me and I never did. I was content with the loss of inches and was afraid that the numbers on the scale would overshadow the thrill of the inches lost.

So today, I couldn't escape the weigh in and with my "girl time" about a week a way, I felt and do feel a few additional water pounds. I stepped on my doctor's scale, which is obviously different than scale that I normally used and fully clothed by the weigh.

The pressure and stress mounting I looked at the number and my heart sank. . . 230lbs. I should not have expected more of a loss, but I couldn't help hope for the best. According to my doctor's scale, I have lost five pounds in five weeks and according to my records, I have now lost 18 pounds overall since beginning my personal quest for health.

I couldn't help it, but I cried when I saw my weight. I struggle so much with the conflict of weight vs my loss in overall size. I have now lost 30 inches in body mass, but only 15 lbs in weight. I have put so much effort into getting healthier, I see my body changing shape and becoming more lean and strong, but I DESPERATELY wanted to see a more dramatic shift in my weight. I am the first person to advise others on all of the logical components of weight loss and fitness. I do the research, I know the facts, but when it comes to my own struggle, I lose all logic and become emotional. How ridiculous is it that I cried at the doctor's office? I'll bet my doctor thought I was crazy or perhaps in need of some anti-depressants.

My meltdown has passed, but a bit of frustration lingers. I am proud of my progress and am feeling more and more confident in how my body looks. My heart is strong and my already good blood pressure decreased to 117 over 70 and that was amidst the stress of my weigh in. My blood pressure was 125 over 80 before.

Emotional roller coaster? Definitely. Unbelievably frustrated? Absolutely. Still motivated? Without a doubt.

1 mile
A TON of housework ( I had company coming and it was long overdue.As it turns out, housework is actually a pretty good workout and it took about three hours to complete all of the work.)

Cereal with milk
6" tuna sandwich from Subway with a handful of baked lays
32 oz of Gatorade


OBDF 107

Day 107 of 182

Today I got up pretty early. . . at least for me. I made it a point to get up a bit earlier than I would have liked because I was determined to workout BEFORE work this morning. I have discussed how my ever changing schedule sometimes has an adverse affect on my workout schedule.

So, I got up early and headed to the local track so that I could improve my mile time. I am determined to run the shamrock run in March, which is a 5K, which is also one of my New Year's Resolution. I am proud to say that today I DRAMATICALLY decreased my mile time. . .by over 2 minutes! I am on my way! And please, believe me when I say that I am not a born runner. Running has always been a challenge for me. I have asthma. I do not possess that runner's physique and forcing myself to keep running is often times a challenge, but there is nothing like exceeding a personal best and realizing improvement.

So, tomorrow I will run again and my goal is to improve my time even more, wish me luck. (By the way, although I had not needed to use my inhaler daily, I have had to reintegrate it into my routine before running because the stress is just a bit too much to handle at this point, but hopefully I will not have to use it much longer.)

3 miles

cereal with milk
protein bar
32 oz Gatorade
fish sandwich
a few french fries
1 beer
1 vodka soda



Day 106 of 182

I am not sure if many of my readers have heard of the Fit Bit, but it's anticipated arrival is just a few short weeks away. This little contraption, similar to the Body Bug which is a device that monitors many aspects of your daily caloric burn. The Body Bug monitors your body temperature, your exercise, it acts as a pedometer and generally monitors how your body functions overall. It takes into account your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) which is just a fancy way of describing how many calories your body requires just to maintain weight, and basic bodily functions such as breathing etc. You wouldn't think so, but just existing requires A LOT of calories.

For someone of my stature and gender, I basically require a little over 3000 calories a day. . . that seems insane. Obviously, I am looking to lose weight, so as I lose weight, my needs will change.

So, back to the Fit Bit. . . .in addition to the exercise component, it also measures your sleep patterns. It is VERY small, like the size of a pinky and it clips to things like a pocket or a bra and it uploads your daily data to the docking station if you step within 20 feet of it then automatically sends it to an online site that tracks your progress. Did I mention that it costs less than half the price of a Body Bug which retails for $220. For $100 bucks it seems to seriously aid in your fitness efforts. Honestly, I have compared the products and am stoked for the Fit Bit to be released!

3.3 miles

2 granola bars
36 oz Gatorade
6 celery sticks with blue cheese dressing
shrimp quesadilla
black beans
1 beer


Day One Hundred and Five

105 0f 182

I got up today a little earlier than usual because I had a hair appointment. Someone (I will not mention any names) has more gray hairs than she would like to admit and given the fact that this certain individual is growing her hair out to donate can't use heavy chemical products so the color grows or fades a bit more quickly. .. . growing old really sucks.

You know it is bad when you wake up and your body hurts for no real reason what so ever. So, I colored my hair, trimmed it up, then went to train for my 5K. I CAN do it now if I walked and jogged, but my goal is to jog, so I headed to the track to begin my training.

Today though, I began my workout by using my inhaler. After my asthma attack the other day, I didn't want to take my chances. I actually had my best mile time ever thus far (thank you Nike+) but I have a LONG WAY TO GO!

2.2 miles

cereal with milk
ahi tuna salad
6 oz salmon
1/2 cup potato soup
1 piece pizza

One Hundred and Four

104 of 182

Sundays usually suck and today is not really an exception.I had every intention of working out today post birthday party, but given the fact that I spent the night on the floor of my sister in laws house, my body felt less than happy.

We drove from Eugene and went to work directly afterward. Off to another picture perfect day at work. I am going to keep my post short but sweet. I chose healthy options as far as meals go, drank a few beers and had one bite of cake. I hate cake.


Cereal with milk
protein bar
small salad
6 grilled scallops
4 oz pasta
steamed veggies



Day 103 0f 182

I began my day, begrudgingly I would like to add, going for a three mile training run. I am getting better, no asthma attack today, THANK GOD!!! I headed to the track and started my training while dodging arrant soccer balls (stupid pee wee soccer players.) But I am glad I went. I then returned home for a quick shower and a much needed pedicure and manicure. At least the pedicure was needed. I was getting tiered cutting one of my toes with the toe nail of one of my other toes. . . that pretty much sucks and having a sock soaked in blood is not very attractive, no wonder runners keep their toenails short.

My husband and I are heading to Eugene to celebrate his sister's and her husband's birthday, so I am writing this post in route. One AWESOME thing about today is that Cafe Yumm is on the menu and I L.O.V.E. Cafe Yumm, so I can't wait.

Return tomorrow to work, but am looking forward to an AM workout before the drive home.

Cereal with milk
8 oz Gatorade
Fishsandwich (McDonalds)(330 calories)
Small Fries (210 calories)

ODBF 102

DAY 102 OF 182

Eighty days left. I have begun training for my 5K coming up in March, which I have talked my husband into doing with me. I ran a bit too hard today and induced a minor asthma attack. . . something I have not had to deal with for quite a while. It pretty much sucked, and found myself coughing for the rest of the day. I guess this means I must run a bit more slowly until I become more conditioned.

Here I thought I was getting in better shape. . . after all my resting heart rate is currently in the 50's, but I guess that is not quite good enough. I am beginning to think it is about time for a new pair of running shoes. My old ones are approaching 400 miles, so that is something both to be proud of and to look forward to replacing.

2.5 miles

Cereal with milk
1 protein bar
salmon sandwich
small salad


Day 101 of 182

Yesterday's post was quite in depth and forth coming with probably more information than any one person would like to know, but the point of my blog is to be honest with my journey, which includes my ups and downs. Today is my final day off from work and tomorrow I return.

I have decided to take it a bit slow today. My husband and I ventured out to see a film, something that I absolutely love to do. We went to see "The Lovely Bones" and I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised. Afterward, we went out for a nice meal with his parents and enjoyed ourselves. I indulged in pasta, which should not be an absolute no no for anyone. I am sure that you know this, but your brain ONLY uses carbs for energy and I am a true believer that everything is alright in moderation. Just don't over do it!

So, no exercise today, but tomorrow you can be sure that I will be at it again! Cheers!


cereal with milk
16 oz Gatorade
8 o protein drink
1/2 grilled cheese with No Chicken noodle soup (tofu based)
4 pieces bread with olive oil
4 bites of tiramisu


100 days! An in depth account

Day 100 of 182
I feel, as the creator of this blog that I can't be honest with you about my current plight, my current demons, my current ghosts or motivations without admitting some of my most difficult and challenging life obstacles. This material is by far the most challenging to divulge.
One hundred days down, eighty two days left, but I would like to bring my journey back to day one or two or three....those days in my exercise journey that were absolutely torturous and taxing in ways both physically well as well as psychologically. It involves the reconciliation of my past self, my current self and future staff, especially involving the integration of my most unstable self.

It has become quite clear that the many burdens that I have allowed myself to carry throughout my life have manifested themselves thoroughly and it is through these uncomfortable mediums that I have allowed them to weigh heavily on my heart and thereby affecting my personal self worth and contributing to my personal goals and what I allow myself to achieve as well as what I feel I am entitled to. I have allowed these feelings to affect my life and nature for far too long.

Around age 6, perhaps 7, I had a pretty stable home. Although my bio-dad was not around, I fortunately an incredible adoptive father, and although he was an alcoholic, he was loving caring and selfless by nature. My mom was a single mother of two by age 21 and it was important to her that my brother and I have a father figure.

Growing up in an alcoholic home was less than easy, but I have an immeasurable amount of great memories, but to be fair I also have a fair amount of regret and resentment. That aside, I was also sexually abused for several years of my youth by individuals whom I trusted implicitly. It is no wonder I struggle with my own set of personal demons and place a lot of the weight of my self worth and expectations upon circumstances of which I can not control.

But I think the point is growth and with the help of my family, some therapy, time and currently, my own personal journey of finding self worth and actualization, I will find some healing.

This blog is "Desperately Seeking Healthy" which so far has focused on physical health, but it is clear that emotional as well as psychological health is imperative as well.

Thanks for reading

5 miles
Upper Body Strength Training

Cereal with milk
protein bar
16 oz Gatorade
8 oz protein drink
Fish Sandwich
Granola Bar
1/2 grilled Cheese
1 beer


99 Days

Day 99 of 182

Ninety-nine days, wow how time flies! I am still going strong, with the exception of consuming a few energy drinks in the morning, and falling short on my super intense exercise program. I refuse to give up on my goal and although I have not been as steadfast with my exercise, but I refuse to give up.

Lately, a few things have added to my feelings of success. I have had so many people, mainly acquaintances in my life comment on how great I look. And I must admit that it really feels nice, amazing actually. Not too many people mention weight exactly, but comment on how awesome I look. It is nice to know that people notice a change. It proves my efforts are taking shape and being noticed. I don't think that people realize just how crucial a seemingly insignificant comment can make the difference between giving up and continuing the fight.

I have noticed my change in small ways, how I carry myself, the way I enter a room, and in the fact that I have mustered up the confidence to request a raise. . . something that I have been deserving of for awhile. The steps taken in a quest for health can have a lasting and meaningful result in how one sees themselves. An ENORMOUS thank you to those of you who have commented on my success and to those who have been there along the way. I appreciate you.

5 miles

Cereal with milk
8 oz protein drink
4 inch tuna sandwich
baked lays
6 oz pasta with marinara
4 pieces french bread
1 slice cheesecake
2 glasses red wine

Day 98

Day 98 of 182

I HATE SUNDAYS! They are long and torturous! With that said, I will keep my post simple and to the point. I woke up too early with a long day ahead of me. I just need to get through it and move on to my weekend. That is my only saving grace, after tonight, I have three days off! YEAH!


Raisin bran with milk
1 small salad
1 latte
16 oz Gatorade
8 oz protein drink
5 oz pasta with 7 oz salmon
l 6" tuna sandwich
1 bag baked lays

The 97th Day

Day 97 of 182

I am feeling a bit lackluster today. I am tiered and grumpy and the last thing I feel like doing is exercising, let alone going to work. I know that I have been going the easy route exercise wise over the past few days because of my crazy, ever changing schedule so I have to put in more effort today.

Each day, no matter what, I calculate the calories in vs. calories out and try to stay on the deficit side of the equation. I do better some days than others, but regardless, I eat breakfast daily (within one hour of waking up) and try to eat something every three to four hours. Usually, my body won't let me do anything else. I absolutely feel incredibly hungry if I go too long. It is almost as if a switch gets flipped and I have no choice. That feeling of being so incredibly hungry is so uncomfortable that I try VERY hard to avoid that discomfort. Eating on a schedule is the only way to avoid it.

5 miles

raisin bran with milk and strawberries
protein bar
granola bar
salad with 4 shrimp
4 oz pasta with 6 scallops
16 oz Gatorade

Day 96

Day 96 of 182

Today is Friday and again, my schedule and it's inherent volatile nature reared it's ugly head. I learned that my expected schedule has changed once again, and I am rather frustrated. I just have to be flexible and deal with it.

I worked in Vancouver again today and had a rather long day. Currently, my day consists of A LOT of standing and working on my feet, which I am generally used to, but I prefer to move around, the whole standing in one place thing for hours and hours is not fun and is actually painful. I am not sure if I have mentioned it before, but I have a pretty bad back. I have stenosis of my lumbar spine (which means that I have swelling around my spinal cord that interferes with my nerve function to my lower extremities.) In addition, I have 3 bulging discs also in my lumbar spine. Regular exercise helps with symptoms, but there are certain activities, such as standing or sitting for long periods of time that cause increased inflammation and increased pain. . needless to say, my back has been properly aggravated and my daily quality of life has been worse. I hate that I have a spinal condition shared by my husbands 94 year old grandmother. . . it's a little discouraging. I know that losing weight will help my overall day to day function, but there are some days that I feel like giving up due to pain and overall discomfort.

1 mile

Raisin bran with milk
1 latte
1 protein bar
1 apple
1 large salad
blue cheese dip with bread (about 3 oz and 2 slices of bread)
2 vodka and sodas

OBDF Day 95

Day 95 0f 182

There is a very fragile balance that takes place in the lives of regular people with regular jobs who embark on a life change involving exercise and diet. As I mentioned, I am experiencing a major change in my daily routine and finding a balance has been challenging. Getting up later in the day, when there was actual daylight was much easier than my current schedule, which by the way is all but permanent.

Yesterday, I got up at 8:00 AM and commuted an hour to Vancouver, only to find out that I had to then travel to Gresham and close a restaurant. This created a 14 hour work day and added two additional hours of driving to my day. I wasn't able to get the workout I wanted and woke up today exhausted. I didn't get home last night until after midnight and by the time I wound down and was ready for bed, it was 2 AM. I got up today at 8 AM to start over and felt like CRAP all day long.

I guess that is life and I just have to figure it all out.

1 Mile

Life cereal with milk
protein bar
4 oz fish sandwich
small salad
4 pieces of nigiri
salmon, avocado, crab roll
soft shell crab hand roll
cup miso soup


94 Days and Counting

Day 94 of 182

Tomorrow is my big weigh in! Yikes! Well, whatever the outcome, I will be happy with my progress. An unexpected change in my schedule has resulted in extreme tiredness. I left my house this morning at 9 AM with an hour drive ahead of me. After I reached my location, I received a call that a coworker was having their baby and I was needed elsewhere, so now, I get to close the place down in addition to opening it up and probably won't get home until midnight. Awesome.

This change did allow me however, to go check into an MBA program at the University of Portland. I have been really interested in the non profit sector for awhile now, and feel that an MBA would give me the additional tools that are required. It appears to be solid program, but am intimidated by the GMAT. I am just going to study for it and see what happens. 2010 is a year of taking control of my life and being more proactive about my future, this is just one more way of making that happen.

30 minutes jog

Life Cereal with three strawberries
1 banana
1 protein bar
8 oz protein drink
5 pieces of sashimi
California roll
salmon roll
12 oz Gatorade


Day 92

Day 92 0f 182

As you may remember, I noted that one of my New Year's Resolutions was to learn a new language. . . . Italian. I already speak Spanish, je parle un peux de le frances, but desperately want to learn to speak Italian. I downloaded an application for my i-touch and today purchased my first "learn to speak Italian" book, which I began today. I feel like probably the hardest thing about this will be enunciation. I have been studying Spanish since I was 13 years old, so, it is difficult to abandon old habits.

So, as far as my New Year's Resolutions go, I am doing well. . . I am working on my relationships, attempting to learn Italian and figuring out just how I am going to meet the President.

My typical schedule is changing for the next three weeks and it is going to take me a little while to get adjusted. Who am I kidding? There is NOTHING typical about my schedule, but for the next three weeks, I am going to be working totally different hours. Just when I get used to one way, I am shifted into another. My internal clock is going to be off for awhile. I have to start getting up with the sun and getting home after it has set. I am really not a morning person and I have found that my unusual schedule usually allows me to exercise when I am at my highest point, energy wise.

Oatmeal with dried fruit
protein drink (8 oz)
Odwalla Granola bar
Special K protein bar
small salad
4.5 ounces pasta with 2 scallops and 2 shrimp
12 oz Gatorade


Day 91

Day 91 of 182

I am officially half way through my time line and I am satisfied with my progress and happy that I have made it this far. I have a friend who told me today that she fell off the exercise wagon.

Although I have been able to stay with my goal while keep moving forward, I absolutely understand how she feels. There are many days where I don't feel like I have it in me to exercise and now that I am working so much, there are most certainly days that I don't. On those days, I focus on diet and nutrition and feel comforted by the fact that my job is pretty physical. Life gets in the way of many good intentions. If I have an off day, I make up for it and kill myself the next, it inhibits my guilt.

I track my progress and take note of the improvements that I have found in achieving better health. A lot of times, it seems like the little things mean the most. So, my friends who find it overwhelming, take it a day at a time and tomorrow marks another opportunity for a fresh start.

4 miles

Life cereal with milk
6" veggie sandwich on wheat
1 bag baked lays
iced tea
16 oz Gatorade

Day 90

Day 90 of 182

So, I guess technically, tomorrow was supposed to be my weigh in day. If you read my blog yesterday, you already know that I have lost 28 inches!! Nearly two and a half feet of FAT from my body! I am very excited about my progress, but scared to see my actual weight for some reason. Mostly, I have been able to separate my logical mind from my emotional heart that seems to be fixated on a certain number.

When I was thirteen years old, I was recruited to do some modeling. At that time, I was 5'8" tall and weighed around 135. The agency told me that I needed to lose 5 to 10 lbs. "Allow 100 lbs for the first five feet of height, then an additional five lbs per inch." I was already thin and lanky and the thought of having even SMALLER boobs then my already nonexistent ones did not seem like a real alternative. That number, that idealistic estimation of "perfection" has stuck with me. The truth is that it is unrealistic and my mind knows this, but for some reason, I still reflect on math.

As women, we are bombarded by the perfect body, from your Barbie doll, to every fashion magazine out there. My first models that I admired were models such as Christie Brinkly or Iman, and later, Tyra Banks and, for some reason, I can't remember the name of the well known model with the distinctive beauty mark. I recall thinking how FANTASTIC these women looked (then the notion that the camera adds 10 lbs) and wanted so much to emulate that.

I am postponing my weigh in for another two days. That is just the way it is. I don't want to ruin my current contentment of progress with the harsh reality of a number. It will just interfere. Focus on the good. The good gets you through. The bad just weighs you down.


Life cereal with milk
7 oz salmon
small salad
6 oz pasta
whole wheat bread with butter
granola bar


Day 89

Day 89 of 182

Saturday, and I don't have to work today. I was bad though, and due to the fact that my husband kept me up all night due to an insane amount of tossing and turning, I began my day with a Redbull. . . this is the first time that I have had an energy drink in over three months. I accompanied that with cereal.

So, tomorrow is SUPPOSED to be my weigh in day. I have decided to put it off for two additional days because I want it to an actual reflection of my progress and given my current time of the month, I will wait two days.

So, I HAVE taken my measurements and I am pleased to say that I have now lost 28 inches! I will publish my compare/contrast later tonight, but all in all I have lost over two feet of girth. Unbelievable. Unbelievable, but GREAT! I am not sure what the scale will say, but all signs point in the right direction. I wanted to lose 15 inches off my waist and currently I have lost seven. I am half way through my time goal and half way through my waist goal, so REGARDLESS of the scale, my body is absolutely changing both in size and composition.

3.3 miles

Life cereal with milk
red bull
medium yumm bowl
chips and salsa
cheese enchiladas
iced tea


88 Days

Day 88 of 182

Three more days until I log in the updates of my journey. I am getting anxious, and I really couldn't help the anticipation, so I gave in and measured my arms and my waist, just to check it against my last measurements. I am happy to see that I have now lost a little more than two inches from each bicep and six inches from my waist. .can't wait for the rest of the results. Well, the scale thing. . . that's another story. I am not looking forward to that. (Hopefully, I won't be disappointed.) In a few days hopefully I will shed all of this excess water.

I must admit, one of the most exciting things to happen to me so far is the fact that now I have SEVERAL pairs of pants for work. When I went back to work, I started with just one available pair in November, but I resisted the urge to buy any new ones because I had nearly 10 pairs that USED to fit, but hadn't been able to wear. . . some in nearly three years! Now, I have given away all of my bigger clothes and fit into ALL of my smaller ones. Great now, but give three more months and I will need to go buy new, smaller pairs.
Wow, that will really suck.

2 miles
Life Cereal
Hard Boiled Egg
Small Salad
1/2 Quesadilla
Protein Bar
(I know, I know, short list day)


ODBF Day 87

Day 87 of 182

I know that you know that I am a woman. And, as a woman, I get to look forward to my monthly reminder that yes, although my mother told me that I maybe getting too old too have children, I am indeed still able to. The main problem with the monthly issue is the breast pain, the abdominal pain, the cramping, the exhaustion, and the generally accepted knowledge that I do indeed weigh more, about 7lbs more this week. The next three or five days, the water weight will leave my body and I will feel better.

I hate to expand on these things too much, so I apologize if the topic is annoying for some. I only wish that there were sometimes a man could really understand some of the frustrations that we, as women, experience when we try to lose weight and sometimes, it really does seem, that men can lose weight more easily while doing less. Or how much it stinks when your pants don't fit the right way, because of well, AUNT FLO.SCREW AUNT FLO!

I also realized yesterday on my hike, that I hadn't hiked for 4 weeks! Which has no resulted in some serious calve pain, coupled with incredible shoulder and arm pain from my upper body work out the other day. I pretty much hurt all over, so excuse me today for a day sans exercise.


16 oz Gatorade
6"subway tuna sand
5 bites of shrimp pad thai

ODBF Day 86

Day 86 of 182

Today was actually a pretty great day! I went for a sushi lunch, went for a 4 mile hike and spent time with a long lost friend! She moved away some 3000 miles after high school, and now she is back in town (Salem) and I quickly remembered why she was/is one of my favorite people ever. What an amazing lady!

This month has been good to me in that regard. One of my resolutions was to maintain my friendships better and not only do I have my dear friend that I just mentioned, I also reconnected with someone I met just about 10 years ago, but because of an argument (my fault) we hadn't talked for almost five years. It definitely did not help that she lived in Alaska. I tried and tried to her to forgive me, and I had all but given up hope. I eventually removed her email from my contact list, deleted her phone number and I thought that I had lost one of the most fun and kindred spirits that I had ever encountered for good. Then, last month, I searched for her on FaceBook and I found her. I requested her to be my friend and she accepted! It was progress and since then we have been messaging ever since.

Forgiveness is an important thing, maybe one of THE most important things in life. I was in the wrong, I know that and I have regretted it for five years. One tip for people who think giving unwarranted advice is a good idea. It is not. Just be there, don't judge, don't put your two cents in, even if you think you are helping. It may just cost you someone that you love and cherish.

I feel lucky and blessed and these two ladies of which I speak know who they are. Thank you for being in my life and thank you for being my friend and most of all, thanks for forgiving me.

Life cereal
16 oz Gatorade
grilled cheese

4 mile hike


T Minus 5 Days (Day 85)

Day 85 of 182

Today marks the 85th day. . . I have my half way weigh in in 5 days! I am really scared and excited to see my results. I am really feeling terribly about my last few days with my limited exercise during the past three days due to my work schedule....but now that I am home, I can get back on track.

So, as I mentioned yesterday, I took notes on the first new Dr. Oz of the New Year and of course it was about weight loss and New Year's Resolutions. He mentioned that 80% of resolutions were to lose weight and that only 20% of those people stick to it and only 2% actually keep the weight off. . the statistics are a little discouraging, but also a little motivating. So I took a few notes and I wanted to share them.

Dr. Oz shared tweight loss secrets:
Its not about your weight, its about your waist size
The most your waist should ever be is the equivalent in inches to half your height. For me, this means 71” inches = 35.5"

Biology of blubber
1/3 of people have fatty liver is believed to increase the risks of heart attacks, diabetes and other health problems including cancer.

Replace simple sugars with whole fruit.
Sliced fruit not only adds flavor but also fiber.
Replace convenience foods such pizza rolls and other convenience foods
Good alternatives include rice rake, peanut butter on top along with raisins. Things to avoid simple white sugars, corn syrups, white flour (I am sorry, but DUH!)

Other tips
If a person was to cut just cut 100 calories from their diet each day for one year they would LOOSE 23 pounds! Hmmm.

Remove all of the large plates from your cupboard, reducing the temptation to over eat.

Cheat your taste buds, if you eat more spicy foods at breakfast, by lunch time you will not be as hungry.
Well, perhaps some of these tips help.

1 hour of cardio,
45 minutes upper body strength training

Bowl of Life Cereal
16 oz Gatorade
1 6" tuna subway sub
large iced tea
1 bag Baked Lays
1 Special K protein bar


84 days?!?!?!?! Really?

Day 84 of 182

Well, as I have been commenting on my works schedule over the past few post, I spent sometime in our Salem location today, and again, after work, felt as though I could never muster the strength to work in a store like that day, after day after day. .. . . seriously, I would be thinking about taking the next train, ship or bus away: far far away from my current employer. . .I would like to add that I say this from the perspective of the hourly employees. I, in their position, would not continue to work in that environment. I always leave that store angry, frustrated, tired and mentally exhausted. My life, as many of those in the world, but have a finite amount of time.

(I had originally written something that was not very nice in haste, I am sorry but I deleted it..)

I took a lot of notes from DR Oz today and I will post tomorrow. Sorry to write so much about my life today. . . I will get back to topic tomorrow
I remembered one more NEW YEARS RESOLUTION!!

Meet President Barak Obama!
Can anyone help me?

20 min

1/2 whole wheat bagel
1/4 raisin bran milk
1/4 of egg,cheese and bagel sandwich
1/2 slice of a cheese pizza
7 oz salmon
1 large salad
bread with butter


OBDF Day 83

Day 83 of 182

I woke up this morning, at 9:28 a.m., unhappily, I might add. We had breakfast plans with my brother and having closed the night before, was less than happy to get out of the comfy hotel bed. Breakfast was good and it was awesome to hang with my family, but the service was absolutely terrible and I left the establishment full, but frustrated.

Yesterday, I had someone ask me about New Year's Resolutions and I realized that I was very vague during one of my previous posts. I think that I needed sometime to solidify my thoughts. So here they are:
1. Learn a new language (Italian I think, I speak Spanish, a little French and will reward myself with a trip to Italy next year.)
2. Following through with goals
a.Complete ONE children's book
b.Complete a 5K and 10K
c.Get new job
d.Work harder at maitaining current relationships/friendships

In total, that is five things that I need to work on throughout the year, and, in addition to maintaining a healthy and fitter lifestyle and losing weight. I have my work cut out for me, but I know I can do it.

Healthy Secret # 9
You're Never Too Old to Improve Your Habits
"It's too late to improve my health." Many people think that their habits are set, and even if they could change them, what good would it really do? Actually, improving your habits can improve your health at any age. There is no value to lamenting what you didn't do for yourself in the past, but there is tremendous value in thinking about what you can do for yourself in the future.

It is already well known that much of the damage we do to our bodies can be reversed. The body is an amazing entity. Long time smokers can rehabilitate their smoke damaged lungs, people with poor diets, high blood pressure and clogged arteries can reverse their vascular damage and reduce their blood pressure through exercise and diet, and the list goes on and on. Habits are definitely a hard thing to change, whether it is an eating habit, a nervous habit or a sedentary lifestyle, but they are changeable and worth changing. The tremendous amount of accomplishment I felt when I finally, after 30 years of chewing my nails, stopped and haven't for a year now. All it really takes is the motivation to change and baby steps to follow through.

1 hour cardio
20 minutes pool

1 English Muffin
4 oz salmon
2 eggs
2 cups coffee

Operation Don't Be Fat Day 82

Day 82 of 190

I am off to Bend today, just a hop, skip and a jump plus a three hour drive to get there. It will be nice though to get a change of scenery, plus one of my brothers and his family lives there and I will be able to see them for a little while.

I have commented on my "odd" family structure before. My brother in Bend I just met about two years ago, shortly after the death of my youngest brother, Klinton. My biological father "got around," should we say and fathered five children with three different women within a span of seven years and although I knew as a young adult that I had siblings, I never had the chance to meet them until I was in my 20's, and the identity of my brother here in Bend, remained a mystery for the longest amount of time, because he was adopted and his name was changed. The mothers of the five of us either didn't know how to or didn't think that it was important for us to meet or interact with each other as children. . . in my opinion, it was a big mistake. There was a lot of time lost and a lot of catching up to do, but on the flip side, it is interesting how similar we all are even though we spent little or no time together growing up and in very different family units.

I have four brothers, two step brothers, one step sister, four nephews, five nieces, one mother, one step mother, one adoptive father, one biological father, five sister-in laws, one brother in law, a mother in law, a father in law, fourteen aunts and uncles, countless cousins and I am pretty sure Barack Obama is related to me somehow (wishful thinking. . . maybe.)

Kind of a crazy day, getting to Bend and all, I focus mostly on food, while I am traveling and working crazy hours.

1 mile

1 egg
whole wheat tortilla wrap
1 small salad 4 oz salmon
8 french fries
1/2 fish sandwich (nasty)
1 beer
1/2 piece cheesecake


First Day of 2010! (Day 81)

Day 81 of 182

Today is New Years Day and I am going to be working in our Beaverton location and tomorrow I get to drive over to Bend to work a few days over there. I am kind of looking forward to a change in scenery. My brother and his family live over there as well and my sister in law works in that location as well, so it will be interesting working a shift with her! I hope all goes well.

I have had the pleasure of watching back to back Buffy the Vampire Slayer on T.V. today. I would like to remind everyone that this show preceded all of the other vampire movies and t.v. shows. It seems like they are everywhere and on every channel. People are obsessed with them right now, but Buffy (the movie and the t.v. show) started it all.

Happy New Year!


two bites omelet
1 piece veggie pizza
protein bar
protein drink
16 oz Gatorade
6 shrimp
1 small salad

New Year's Eve (Day 80)

Day 80 0f 182

New, Year's Eve. I know that I am going to seem like the lamest person in the world, but here it is New Year's Eve and I have no plans a rock star evening. My husband I caught a movie, Sherlock Holmes, and while I liked the visual of Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, the movie was only so so.

I mentioned the other day that I had been thinking long and hard about my New Years Resolution and I am going to commit to them today. I have decided to participate in the Shamrock Run, a 5K that takes place in March. I will begin there and hopefully keep progressing. This, however, is not my resolution, just a progression of my exercise regimen.

I am an idea person. I am always thinking of things that I want to do, paint more, complete a children story, start a NPO, find a better job etc. etc. I am really great at visualizing but not that great at bringing them to fruition. This year, I resolve to follow through with my objectives. For example, I would like to find a new job and be paid what I am worth, but I don't think that I believed that I deserved it. I will set up a list of objectives, then mark them off as I achieve them. Follow through. I can be extrememly motivated and can do anything that I set my mind to it, I just need to apply this attribute to other parts of my life.

Happy New Year!


small veggie omelet
English muffin
air popped pop corn
2 pieces cheese pizza
vodka and soda
5 pieces bread with blue cheese