
Day 122

Day 122 of 182

I have been nervous about the up and coming holiday weekend for about a month and a half now. The past few years Valentine's Day has landed on a weekend, which intensifies things a lot.

So, today I am going to start preparing myself for the imminent hell that awaits me this weekend. I hit the exercise today but not hard, just a few miles. I am sorry, but today, I don't have a lot to say. I am stressing out about this weekend and of what lay in store for me.

2 miles

Cereal with milk and banana
Granola Bar
small salad
salmon with veggies
1 beer

ODBF Day 121

Day 121 of 182

It seems like everything in our house is either falling a part or breaking right now!I swear, there are probably half a dozen projects that need to be tackled, some of which will cost nothing, but a few that will most likely cost a little or perhaps, a lot. The most recent of which was our dryer. It bit the dust today and it is most likely dead. I kind of was expecting it though, because I have noticed that it didn't start automatically after pressing the start button several of the times that I most recently used it. . . and today it died. Adios dryer, thanks for all of the years of service. That means that I must now sacrifice my Wii Fit Board until next payday.

Maybe my currently unemployed husband will try to fix a few of the broken things around our home. . HINT HINT.

I have been losing a little bit of my motivation lately, I must admit. I am not sure what it is, a little lethargy, not feeling well, crazy schedule, most likely a menagerie of it all. I haven't done any strength training in a few weeks and my aerobic activity has dwindled to four times a week. I need to dig deep to rekindle my motivational spark. I hope that I can get the fit board soon so that I can spice things up a bit. I am beginning to feel a little bored with my current routine. I have not been eating enough fruits and veggies either. . I have a long list of the things that I am doing wrong, I must keep focused on things that I am doing.

3 miles

Cereal with milk
tuna sandwicb

Day 120

Day 120 of 182

I got up very very early this morning, I had to make an appointment in Salem, then had to be back in Portland by 11:00. . . I am not a morning person. I have never claimed to be nor will I ever be.

So, I endured a tedious and mind numbing work meeting, the only benefit being that I was able to enjoy an ice cold beer at the end of it, then I was off and barely beat the rush hour traffic home.

We have had some very nice days as of late, and I know that the groundhog saw his shadow, but judging by the weather today, one wouldn't know it. It is 60 and sunny! I got home and took Chula and the dog for a walk and soaked up some of the warm air and sunshine. I am preparing myself for a long and hard Valentine's Day weekend, so I am trying to soak up some calm before the certain madness.

3 miles

Grande Latte
Granola Bar
3" subway sandwich
16 oz Gatorade
handful baked Lays
1 beer
3 slices cheese pizza


Day 119

Day 119 of 182

I woke up today feeling a little under the weather. I feel like I am trying to get sick and I have had a hard time getting motivated to work out. I made an attempt to workout and after 2 miles, I felt exhausted and decided that it was enough.

I read recently that moderate exercise stimulates the immune system for a brief while after working out and those that work out on a regular basis are far less likely to get ill over all. Knock on wood, I have managed to get through this winter so far without getting really sick. There have been a few days where I felt like I was going down, but then I rebounded without incident. I hope that this is the same for this time around.

2 miles

naked juice
1/2 quesadilla
8 oz gatorade

Are you ready for some football!?

Day 118 of 182

Today is the Superbowl and today I am off from work, so that is nice. . . probably my first Superbowl off in several years. I have plans, just like a regular person!

I woke up a little later than I have been because I didn't hit the sheets last night until 3 A.M. My husband joined me for a workout this afternoon to help curb the beer calories I am destined to consume. I am routing for the underdog, The Saints and am excited to hang with friends and relax.

3 miles

cereal with milk
naked juice
16 oz Gatorade
garden burger with cheese
small salad
3 pieces of cheese pizza
4 beers
1 jager bomb

Day number 117

Day 117 of 182

I have been really struggling this week with my schedule, as I have mentioned. Today, I don't go in until later, which means that I won't get home until late. This allows me to workout during the time I preform the best. I am off tomorrow for the Superbowl and can't wait for the weekend!

I got distracted this morning though, because I got really caught up in Project Runway. . I love that show! So, after ward I went for a run and got myself ready for a busy busy day.

4 miles

Special K cereal with milk and blueberries
power bar
power bar
16 oz Gatorade
small salad
small salad
5 oz salmon
1 beer

My one hundred and sixteenth day


Another day another dollar right? I keep telling myself that. Today I got into an argument with a partner in one of our location about something trivial and petty, but I was pretty aggravated by the whole thing.

I maintained a professional demeanor but I was pretty frustrated. So, I muddled my way through it all, and made it work. Valentine's Day is quickly approaching, but I am not thinking of it in terms of romance. It is the busiest weekend of the year and it is crazy. I have been anticipating it's arrival for over a month now and not exactly looking forward to it.


power bar
16 oz Gatorade
veggie wrap
Naked Juice
2 beers
1 quesadilla

One One Five

Day 115 of 182

Well, it has been a few days since I fell off of my bike, which I continue to get crap about. I keep trying to tell people that it wasn't my fault, but it doesn't seem to make a bit of a difference.

My schedule continues to frustrate me and it changes on nearly a daily basis. It's all about establishing a routine, but that is proving to be impossible. I left for work today at 9:00 A.M. and got back home this evening at 8:00 P.M. My body still thinks that it is operating on a night owl's schedule so adjusting to an earlier mindset is actually pretty difficult.

2 miles

Special K cereal with blueberries
power bar
16 oz Gatorade
small salad
granola bar
red bull (12 oz)
large salad with salmon


one one four

Day 114 of 182

I woke up this morning in excruciating pain beginning at the tip of my toes, progressing throughout my entire body. My "accident" yesterday proved to hurt even more than I could imagine. I guess the older you are the harder you fall. As a child, I use to bounce more, but now that I am getting older, it is becoming apparent that I no longer bounce, I simply fall and hit the ground like a bag of rocks.

I actually got a blood blister on the tip of my toes and right now my appendages appear to resemble a Dalmatian but with purple and blue spots. I am walking with a limp because my knee is so sore and bruised and I was unable to walk or jog today. . . so that kind of sucked. Just add that to the list of inactive days.

I took my stupid bike to the bike shop yesterday so that I could fix the broken piece, twenty six dollars and a lot of shame later, drove the bike back home. Now, I can't complain too much about my Walmart special bike since I got it for free, but the guy who repaired my bicycle had no problem with making me feel embarrassed about my crappy, heavy bike. He also pointed out that it is too small for my height, which is no surprise because I got it from my sister in law who happens to be about a foot shorter than me. I informed my bicycle technician that this is just my starter bike and that I plan on purchasing a higher quality piece of machinery. . . Hopefully sooner than later.


odwalla granola bar
naked juice
special k cereal with blueberries and milk
2 crispy bean burritos
1/4 cheese quesadilla
2 beers


Fall off and get back on (day 113)

Day 113 of 182

I awoke today with the best exercise intentions. I got up early and I ventured out for a workout. I completed nearly four miles and was prepared for a bike ride and an additional walk. . . but, as I have discussed, things happen.

I went out for my run and that went o.k. and my day progressed. I noticed, while I was at the track, the variation of people frequenting the venue. It had it all, the fat and the thin, the fit and the unfit, the runners and the walkers, the young and the old. It was interesting how one common interest brought so many different people together.

I got home and I decided to go for a bike ride to go grab my lunch. . . that was until my pedal broke and I fell (hard) off of my bike into the street. Falling as a thirty something is not as easy as it was as a child and I hurt all over from the incident. I have multiple bruises and it basically sucks. So, I hurt and my efforts were in vain.

3.5 miles

power bar
16 oz gatorade
6" tuna sandwich
1 bag baked lays
1/2 power bar
7 oz salmon
wedge salad


Day 112 of 182

Only 70 days left and it has become very clear that I am not going to reach my numerical goal of 60 lbs in 6 months. Losing weight has gotten harder as I have gotten older and I have to take my gains as they come. It has not been as fast as I would like, but I am definitely on the right track.

I have not been feeling all that well lately because of my "time." Lack of energy, fatigue, etc., but that is the plight of being a woman. With the succession of the month comes physical change. That is the way it works.


Special k Power Bar
Harvest Bar
32 oz Gatorade
2 bags baked lays
3 peices of cheese pizza
1/4 cup ice cream


Sunday day 111

Day 111 of 182

My life went back to normal today. . . .if you can call my schedule normal. I returned to work today and things returned to my abnormal normalcy. Work was rough, but that is to be expected.

Sooo, things in life never follow a logical pattern. I went to my doctor SO scared and full of anxiety concerning my weight and expectations. I have, since I have kept, gained anywhere from 5 to 7 pounds.

I have been lackadaisical as of late in my exercise yet intentional with my dietary choices. You can always focus on the tangibles, but it is the intangibles that are the most difficult to control and trouble shoot. Life is full of curve balls and every twist and turn is inconceivable.

1 mile

Special K cereal with milk
16 oz Gatorade
small salad with dressing on the side
4 oz halibut
1/2 bun
small salad

The 110th day

Day 110 of 182

I have had a friend in town for the before mentioned funeral, and I have been busy entertaining company. I knew that this would impact my regular schedule, so I went into this weekend with that knowledge in hand.

So, I started my "period" (I hate that term) and I now realize why my weigh in was so skewed and why I freaked out. . . I am going to reweigh myself in 3 days so that I can get an actual weight, sans girl time. I am guessing the numbers will be slightly down. . probably an additional three to four pounds. . . good to me.

I am planning on going out tonight, visiting the "Shanghai Tunnels" downtown tonight, then dinner, then drinks, then Voo Doo Doughnuts (great for the diet)
so, it's nice to hang with family and friends, but emotionally draining.

2 miles

6 oz Gatorade
1 piece toast
2 slice pizza
2 pieces pita bread with hummus
1.5 glass wine
2 vodka soda
1 voodoo doughnut
1 piece pizza