
Operation Don't Be Fat (Day 79)

Day 79 0f 182

We had a snow day yesterday and not only was it wonderful to see the snow fall and the neighborhood fall silent, but I was also able to accomplish a ton of things around the house that I have not been able to get to during the hectic holiday season.

I will have to calibrate my NIKE plus tomorrow because of the slush and the snow, also I am pretty sore from my workout yesterday and can use the day to recover a little bit. I am going to try to use my I-pod along with my NIKE gadget today at work to get an idea how many calories and miles that I actually burn/walk in an hour of work.

Have you ever seen this CRAZY and I mean CRAZY show on A&E called "Little Miss Perfect?" It's basically a program that shadows crazy mothers that coach their daughters through the children pageant circuit. It is unbelievable how much pressure these parents place on their small daughters to be beautiful and "perfect!" These girls are as young as 5 years old and already this idea of perfection is being forced on them by the parents who are supposed to love them the most. And we wonder why girls/women have body issues.

Simple Secret Number 8
Stop the War on Bacteria
We have antibacterial everything: soap, cleaners and even antibacterial cooking surfaces. Unfortunately for us, our constant war being waged on bacteria have tow important-and harmful-side effects. First, by limiting our exposure to bacteria we prevent ourselves from building up our immune system. Secondly, by constantly targeting bacteria with strong antibacterials, we are contributing to super bacteria that have become resistant to soaps and antibiotics. While it is obviously important to wash your hands and be careful with uncooked foods, there is no reason to douse every aspect of your life with antibacterial cleaners at every opportunity.

The children of today have much weaker immune systems than those of yesterday because of a few fators; their limited exposure to "dirt" as well as the fact that fewer women choose to breast feed their children as infants. In terms of antibacterial hand soap, Hackensaack University Medical Center doctors found that much of the bacteria found on the skin is protective. It is there to prevent the harmful bacteria from flourishing and making us ill. If that helpful bacteria is not there, it cannot do its job. Washing with the antibacterial soap not only removes the harmful bacteria, but removes the good as well.

Good, old fashioned regular soap works just fine when it comes to cleansing your hands and body and in fact, it may be more beneficial than the antibacterial version. Remember, you can only prevent yourself from getting sick by coming in contact with the things that make us ill to begin with. It is one thing to be cleanly, it is quite another to be obsessive.

1 mile

protein drink
2 slices veggie pizza with goat cheese


Operation Don't Be Fat (Day 78)

Day 78 0f 182

Well, as I mentioned yesterday, I received the NIKE plus thingy for Christmas and yesterday I calibrated it for my walking and today I decided that I wanted to calibrate it for running. I must confess, I am a terrible runner. There are some people out there that look as though they glide through the air and appear to have been born to run. Folks, that is not me.

When I was a child, approximately 8 or 9 I was on my school's track team and at that point of my life, I enjoyed running and was actually pretty good at it. I was tall for my age and had long, slender legs. I had a track meet and gave it my all. . . I crossed over my lane and I was disqualified from the competition. I would have come in 2nd place and not only was I embarrassed and angry with myself, my track coach called me a lot of terrible and inappropriate things. That was the moment and the day that I gave up track. It is truly amazing how much of an impact a good or in this case bad coach and affect someone and their personal expectations.

I return to present day. I have integrated short bursts of running into my daily walks (against my doctor's advice because of mu bad knee) because as my heart and lungs get stronger, they require harder exercise to my system elevated. To calibrate my Nike gadget, I had to set a distance and the shortest distance available for running was 1/2 mile. I honestly did not think that I could run and entire half mile without stopping. I had my doubts, but figured that all I could do was give it my best. I went out to the track and gave it a try and low and behold, I did it. I was able to run the half mile without having a coronary. One problem, I forgot to activate the calibration, so I will go tomorrow and do it again. It was a small but crucial victory and even more evidence that my work is paying off. I am sure that there are many people out there that would laugh at my excitement over a half mile, but for me it is HUGE.

So today, I am setting a new goal, with my ultimate goal eventually participating in a marathon and one day, a triathlon. My first step though is a 5k and my husband and I are going to participate in the Shamrock run on St. Patrick's Day and we will progress from there.

No simple secret today!

2.5 miles
20 minutes climbing bleachers

Special K protein drink
protein bar
non fat yogurt
8 oz Gatorade
fish of some sort


Day 77

Day 77 of 182

So, I am off to the track to sync my NIKE plus devise to my I-Touch! Yes! I think that I forgot to mention that I had purchased my husband a Wii for Christmas and I am so so so excited to get the Fit board! I can't wait. Let's see how long it takes for him to get it ordered. . . I have been thinking a lot about New Years' resolutions these past few days. Last year I resolved to stop biting my finger nails (a truly disgusting habit) and I succeeded. I have never actually successfully completed a New Years' Resolution until this year and I have vowed to continue the trend. Narrowing it down though seems to be tough cookies though, but I have a pretty good idea of what I would like to accomplish. Obviously, it is NOT get in shape as that is already a work in progress.
I would like to add that I have had four separate individuals comment on my weight loss progress and it feels terrific. It definitely makes me feel more motivated and in control. I have 13 more days until the half way mark and another weigh in. . . OH GOD!

Simple Health Secret Number 7:
Give Yourself Time:
The average individual feels as though there is not enough time in the day (I know that I don't) We rush around from one thing to the next, not stopping until the day is over. The easiest thing to cut out of our day is a moment for ourselves, but time spent quietly alone is not a luxury, it is an important component of how we function. It is important to give yourself time to sit, to think, to feel. . .every single day.

I met a gentleman at my family's holiday party yesterday who took up yoga about a year ago and now practices it regularly and integrates meditation into is life as well. He has lost about thirty pounds doing this alone. When I go outside, crank up my I-pod and go on my three mile loop, I find not only a time of contemplative meditation, but also (obviously) exercise. I have come to find this time to my self invaluabl (extentionse and whether you get this through exercise, meditation or, in my husbands case, deeply engrossed in a book, it gives yourself time for just you.

2.5 miles
3.5 mile bike ride
upper body strength training with medicine ball
90 push-ups
100 bicep
Shoulder presses
triceps extensions

1 mini veggie sandwich on whole wheat, without mayo, added sprouts, avocado, tomato, olives spinach and provolone with cheddar cheese
1 bag baked lays
16 oz Gatorade
1 large salad with almonds and pecans and pineapple, tons of cucumber and tomato
1 beer
a few Mike and Ikes (approx 10)

Day 76 December 27th

Day 76 of 182

Today, I am heading to a holiday party at my biological father's house. I have mentioned this part of my family before, but feel compelled to expand on it a bit today. My mom got pregnant with me while in college. A shotgun wedding ensued and another child then divorce quickly followed. I had very little contact with my biological father until about six years ago, after I lost my adoptive father, Chris. As a child, I felt a tremendous amount of guilt when I received messages or gifts from my biological father and did not want to betray my mother or adoptive father. It wasn't until I lost him, that I began to realize the importance of forgiveness and family. It hasn't been an easy journey, but the key to our success has been the absence of expectations. I didn't need a father figure and I wanted to get to know him as an individual. In return, I have gained a tremendous amount. I met my three half brothers, one of which has since passed away and gained two step brothers and a step sister as well as a step mother. I am truly blessed and happy.

Healthy Secret Number 6:
What You Do Matters

Health is not like the lottery. We are not randomly stricken with diseases. While some health outcomes are completely beyond our control, many diseases are affected by our decisions and behaviors.

Cancer is by far the number one fear of people in terms of disease and many people believe that they have no control over whether or not they will be stricken with cancer, but leading research has concluded that many cancers can be linked to lifestyle choices such as leading a sedentary lifestyle, high fat diets, over exposure to sun (big surprise) and the use of tobacco (bigger surprise.)

I find it interesting that just getting moving can decrease your likelihood of developing cancer. The point is that you do have control over your health, your life and your death. My youngest brother did die of cancer. He never smoked, never drank and was very active. He was diagnosed with an EXTREMELY rare form of cancer that affects 1 of every 100,000 cancer patient. His was genetic and I know that there are many cancers that are, so please don't misunderstand overall statement on the issue.


1/2 subway tuna sandwich (butt load of veggies)
1 bag baked lays
iced tea
4 glasses of wine
fish sandwich
slice of cheese cake

December 26 (day 75)

Day 75 of 182

Today is my mom's birthday. I have been spending the day with her today and we are going on a three mile walk today to help her ring in her birthday with exercise! LUCKY HER! I don't feel a twinge of guilt at all today concerning my previous days' activities or exercise. I think the holidays are insanely hectic and nobody can hold themselves to their normal fitness standards.
The past few posts, I have neglected to add my healthy secrets segment to my post, sorry.

Simple Secret Number 5:
Easy does it with the vitamins

If vitamins are helpful, then more vitamins must be even better for us,right? Wrong. In some cases, the recommended dosage of a vitamin is all that our body can process and in many cases, ingesting more than that is harmful to your kidneys, liver and body overall. Avoid developing your own personal super vitamin regimen.

In many cases, ingesting too much of an essential vitamin can be more harmful than neglecting consume the vitamin at all. In most cases, vitamin manufacturers list the absolute highest dose, without causing harm, as the recommended daily intake of certain vitamins (does anyone else think that this is BS?)

Doctors at Dana-Farber's Cancer Institute in Boston have found that cancer patients that exceed the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals can actually worsen the effects of cancer and reduce the effectiveness of conventional cancer therapies.

3 miles
1 hour bowling

two eggs
1 tuna melt on whole wheat
2 slices of cheese pizza

Christmas (Day 74)

Day 74 of 182

Christmas Day! I love L O V E getting presents! But I also do enjoy giving them. Christmas usually presents a ton of dietary obstacles for most people, but hopefully I will have restraint. I got great gifts this year! All of the things I asked for and a few that I did not. I got a new I-touch I pod, my old mini worked well, but was like six years old. The new I-Pod is AMAZING! I also got the NIKE fit plus bit so that I can better gauge my workouts. I don't use Nike shoes generally because I have wide feet and the lasts are a bit narrow, but I can snugly secure the device to my other workout shoes. I also got a work out watch and a messenger bag, both things I wanted. I am noticing a workout gear trend here, and if I weren't so into getting fit, I may be offended, but I love all of my new stuff.
My mom overcooked our Christmas meal, so that prevented me from eating pretty much all of it. So, that was good. I also tried making a baked apple recipe for dessert so that I could have a healthier dessert option and it was delicious and NUTRITIOUS.

Merry Christmas!

3/4 mile

baby quiche
a few bites of corn
a few bites of beef jerky
a few bites of salad
1/2 twice baked potato
1/2 baked apple
1 glass champagne
1 vodka cranberry


Christmas Eve Day 73

Day 73 of 182

Christmas Eve and I am busy getting ready for Christmas and for work. One last day, then I have three days off. I just need to get through this shift. . . . and I'll bet it is going to be busy.

I just received a comment about my blog from an acquaintance of my husband, concerning my daily intake of vegetables and fruit. As you may or may not know, I only eat fish, grains, dairy and fruits/vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are a crucial component of complete health and I work very hard to eat the right amount each day. Each day, when I catalog my meals, I often write "large salad" or "small salad" because I eat them at work. When I make my salads, I use two cups of romaine, 1/4 cup of cucumbers, 1/4 cup of tomatoes, bell peppers, fresh pineapple, fresh mushrooms, almonds, pecans and a small amount of cheese for a large salad and half that amount for a small one. Additionally, when I get a sandwich from Subway, I put a ton of spinach, cucumber, tomato and bell peppers. I generally get half the regular amount of tuna and subsidize it with veggies.

There are days where I may not get exactly the right amount of fruits or veggies, but generally I do. When I reflect on my meals, I tend not to interpret my veggies as a hardcore calorie source, solely for the fact that it requires more energy to digest them. I am sorry if I was not as clear as I should have been on the components of my diet.

Simple Secret # 4:
Keep Healthy Foods Handy

People eat what is available to them. If you don't regularly buy junk food, like chips or ice cream, how often would you want some so badly that you would actually drive to the store and buy some. . chances are, not often. Being strategic with your food choices when you are not hungry will cause you to be much more health oriented when you are.

I really focused on this when I first got started. I have watched a program on the BBC called "You Are What You Eat" and the nutritionist basically ransacks peoples home, eliminating all foods that are "bad." She severely restricts their diet for six weeks, then slowly integrates other foods. I mimicked her actions when I began and discarded all sugars, high fat foods and other non nutrient rich foods from my cupboards, eliminating my access to these items. It has become easier to recognize the good from the bad and I only occasionally crave the bad.

As a side note, I recently read that foods high in saturated fat also contain a chemical that inhibits the hormone produced by your stomach that communicates fullness. Eating a diet high in saturated food helps you gain weight because your body doesn't actually ever feel full. (Interesting)

Life Cereal
small salad
7 0z salmon fillet
1 martini
(I was very busy with work related things,. had hardly any time to eat.)

1 mile

Day 72

Day 72 of 182

Today was one of my brothers' birthday. For some reason or another my family has an abnormal amount of birthdays around Christmas time. My brother, today, my mom's is the day after Christmas. My biological father's is New Year's Day, my niece's birthday is December 30th, my brother in law's birthday is the 31st. As if there weren't enough gits to buy already! My birthday is as far away from Christmas as you can get; June 25th. Exactly six months before and after Christmas. Still gearing up for the holidays and I had the opportunity to work at our Tualatin location. One of my former employees commented that I was getting skinnier(YES!!!) Thank you Rodrigo!

Didn't workout today, I took my brother out for a birthday lunch instead. I need to workout hard tomorrow since the following day is Christmas and there will be a limited opportunity for exercise.

The 100 Simple Secrets of Healthy People
#3 Avoid Imagining the Worst
When something is wrong with us, it is easy to imagine the worst possible outcome. It is as though we just know that the doctor is going to tell us how horrible our situation is and how awful the recommended treatment will be. This process of exaggerating the threat not only causes much unneeded anxiety, but it also has the dangerous effect of encouraging people not to get treatment.

When I read this simple secret, my thoughts immediately went to my mother in law. God bless her, but she always, and I mean, always imagines the very worst, in every scenario. I am not sure if she is inherently a "glass half empty" sort of person, or if it is something that has evolved over time. She drives herself crazy, sometimes into hysteria over what may be.

It is true though, it is somehow easier to error on the side of awful in the case of most unknowns. It is said that it is better to "expect the worst," but there is a difference between knowing what the worst could be and being damn sure that the worst will absolutely be the outcome.

I imagine that it plays to the same facet of our personalities that somehow make it easier for people to believe the negative comments made about them, than the positive ones, just as it is easier to see what is wrong with us than see what's right. I have always been a "glass type full" person when it comes to life and situations, but when it comes to me, as a person, I am not as optimistic.

The worst case scenario is obviously a possibility, but definitely not a probability. The stress and anxiety that obsessing over the worst is worse than the outcome itself.


1/2 Tuna melt
4 pieces flat bread with mozzarella and tomato
1 strawberry lemonade
1 latte
7 oz Salmon
1 large salad
2 beers


Day 71

Day 71 of 182

One day closer to Christmas, only three more days of stupid Christmas music and then a solid 11 months without it. I used to like Christmas music, but that was before I began to realize that it permeates itself throughout every retail, restaurant and grocery outlet beginning in November and lasting six long, torturous months. It is almost over, Thank you God!

I woke up today feeling very grumpy for some reason (hmmm, what could the reason be?) and REALLY,REALLY did not feel like working out. I was (and am) incredibly sore from two consecutive upper body strength training days. I read somewhere that women have a better chance following through with working out if they simply put their workout clothes on. I hastily put on my clothes and did go workout, begrudgingly.

Simple Secret Number 2:
The Quest for a Perfect Body Is Doomed:
Seeking a healthier lifestyle is inherently good and will help in many aspects of your life, but seeking a perfect outcome-the perfect body-is neither good nor helpful. When we seek a perfect outcome, we set ourselves up for failure. Perfection never truly exists because there is always going to be one more thing that can be improved. Seek a healthy body that functions, not a picture perfect display case.

I often fondly recall the physique I had in my teens and early twenties. When I graduated high school I was 5'11" and weighed 155 lbs. I wore a size 7/8 and although I had felt awkward in my lanky limbs, I had begun to realize that the height was actually a gift and I embraced it. When I look at photographs from that time in my life, I realize that the current me doesn't find that my younger version looked healthy. I was thin, but I don't look strong.

I have seen Tyra Banks tear models apart for being too big or too short etc. etc. but the truth is that perfection doesn't exist. I look at my ultra thin teenage body and see room for improvement. I think that women (some men too) are constantly reminded of what perfection looks like and proceed to pick themselves apart in an attempt to get one inch closer to that image. It's truly sad that we, as a society, don't focus more on the overall health. A perfect package can be hiding something truly heinous lurking below the surface.

3.5 miles

Life Cereal with milk


70 Days!!!

Day 70 of 182

Last night my husband and I went out to dinner with members of our family. We had decided to go to one of the locations that I work at because one of the perks is free food (as though I don't eat there enough, but one learns to get creative with the ingredients at hand.) I walked through the front doors and was greeted by an employee that I had worked with in the past. Little did she know, she made my evening. Without knowing my current fitness goal, she commented on how great I looked. To have someone comment on your progress is very affirming! It really made me feel great about my progress and that I am indeed moving forward. I am on day 70, just twenty more and I will be at the half way mark of my personal challenge. Twenty more days until I weigh myself again and measure. I need to make it count.

While out Christmas shopping the other day, I came upon a book titled "100 Simple Secrets of Healthy People." It lists everyday things that can positively affect your health and since this a blog about getting "fit" and more healthy, I decided that to name and comment on them. I have now, 112 days left and there are 100 secrets, so you do the math.

1. Use a plan, not a piecemeal approach: Your chances of sticking to a health improvement plan-eating right, exercising regularly or quitting smoking-are higher if you focus on your overall health rather than just the task at hand. Think about the things that you could do to improve your health and how each of them fit together, each act will reinforce everything else that you are trying to do.

When I began this journey, I had to separate losing weight from getting healthy. They can be two completely different objectives. I could have focused solely on the losing weight component, focusing mainly on diet, but because of chronic health problems like asthma, I wanted to breathe better and have a stronger and healthier body, something impossible to achieve through diet alone. Once I focused on health and not weight, things became more clear and choices became easier and health became a mindset as well as an objective. It really has to be a macro versus a micro approach.

1.5 miles
Upper Body strength training (30 minutes)

2 eggs with avocado and tomato and goat cheese
1 piece whole wheat toast


For my brother, Klinton Boylan (Day 69)

Day 69 of 182

Two years ago, today, my youngest brother Klinton passed away in his home and in the loving arms of his wife, Elizabeth. At the young age of 23, he had married, started a family and lost a year long battle with a rare form of cancer. He was the most kind, honest and passionate person that I have met and he left behind a loving wife, a beautiful daughter named Isabelle and and handsome son named Noah along with a large and loving immediate and extended family. He is home, with his Lord and is greatly missed and hugely loved.

Written by Dave Grohl of The Foo Fighters

Wish I were with you, but I couldn't stay
Every direction leads me away
Pray for tomorrow, but for today
And all I want, is to be home

Stand in the mirror, you look the same
Just looking for shelter from the cold and the pain
Someone to cover safe from the rain
And all I want, is to be home

Echoes and silence, patience and grace
All of these moments, I'll never replace
No fear of my heart or absence of faith
And all I want, Is to be home

All I want, is to be home

People I've loved, I have no regrets
Some I remember, some I forget
Some of them living, some of them dead
And all I want, is to be home

3.5 miles
45 minutes strength training upper body

10 oz protein drink
1/2 whole wheat bagel with cream cheese
16 oz Gatorade
14 wheat things
2 oz cheddar cheese
7 oz salmon
steamed veggies
wedge salad with blue cheese on the side
1/2 piece cheese cake
20 button cookies (ginger type cookies about 1 dime width in diameter)

ODBF Day 68

Day 68 of 182

I am not planning on getting too much done today. I usually do not have Sundays off, but am off tomorrow, so I am going to forgo the exercise and get some holiday things out of the way. . . . a lot of wrapping etc, etc. I have to work this evening. I can't believe that my husband and I did not get a tree this year. I think that it is my first year without one. I am so over extended with work and my exercise that I can't seem to find a lot of additional time. I figured out that I spend about 12 hours a week driving to and from each location. It's insane! Maybe next year I will have it more together and won't feel so conflicted, drained and overworked, but who knows.


grande latte
2 bites mashed potatoes
1 quesadilla
2 vodka soda


Take a Deep Breath In (Day 67)

Day 67 of 182

I awoke this morning to an excruciating back ache. I am not sure what caused it or exactly how to remedy it. I took some ibuprofen with my breakfast this morning and it seemed to help a little, but after forcing myself out for a short 1.5 miles, it was back in full force. Should make for an interesting shift tonight. At least I will be working at a location that runs smoothly and that I love. I will be over in my old neck of the woods, the beautiful, the lovely, SE 82nd street!!!! If it weren't for the fact that it is pretty much the ghetto and so far away, it would be perfect, but it is my "home" store. The one that I spent the most time working at when younger and a few of my old friends still work there. It's fun remminicing.

I feel a bit of a grey cloud over my head today, and have for the past few days. December 20th marks the two year anniversary of my youngest brother's death and I have spent a lot of time these past few days thinking, praying and dreaming about him. I know that it is only natural, but I miss him dearly. The fact he died shortly before Christmas brings a bitter sweetness to this time of year.

1.5 miles

8 oz protein drink
air popped pop corn
16 oz Gatorade


Christmas Mayhem (Day 66)

Day 66 of 182

Christmas Eve is a week away!?!?!?!?! I have been SO consumed with work that I had no real idea how close Christmas was! Today was my Saturday, so to speak and I spent the last seven hours shopping and shopping and, yes, more shopping. I know that I am a girl and I should LIKE shopping and ordinarily I do, but being in any retail store is so very visually and audibly overwhelming. I have a rather large family and the amount of gifts to buy is insane.

I have less than a week to shop and I am almost done, but I still feel like I am waiting very last minute. Thank God the weather is manageable this year or I would be screwed! While in the local Hallmark store, my husband reminded me of a funny story that I had forgotten about, that is pretty funny.

A few years ago, my husband and I traveled to Europe, including Germany, for a family wedding. We stayed with Jeff's family who happen to live in a small town called Schwabish Hall. We did not think ahead and failed to purchase wedding card for the happy couple. We set out in search of a card, but neither of us speak German. We settled for a card that visually fit the bill. It was light blue, had flowers and had religious undertone. We had found our card and gave it to them on their wedding day. As my husband's cousin read the card (he does speak German) he began to laugh. We inquired as to what and he basically said that the card translated to "We are sorry for your loss." It was a bereavement card. We were so mortified and embarrassed! So the lesson of the story is "KNOW WHAT YOU ARE BUYING!"

Trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle during the holidays is difficult, but it is indeed possible. Today, on the other hand was a day that splurged a bit, including a half serving of ice cream (the first ice cream in two months. I must admit it was delicious.

2.2 miles
7 hours of shopping

Protein bar
grande latte
tuna fish pita
2 martinis
2 shrimp
small salad
1/2 portion ravioli
1/8 cup ice cream


Repair and Maintenance (Day 65)

Day 65 of 182

I turned in last night around 2 a.m. and wanted to throw my alarm out the window at 10 a.m. when it went off this morning. I really had the desire to get up earlier, but just couldn't do it. The only reason I got up when I did was because I had to make a 10:15 appt. for repair and maintenance (as my father in-law calls it.) Oh the woes of being a woman! I enjoyed a pedicure, then was tortured by waxing. It is funny how much women put themselves through to look beautiful!

As I relaxed during the pedicure, I flipped through Glamour magazine which was filled with images of the beautiful people such as Kim Kardashian and Sarah Jessica Parker. I wonder how much time they spend on such services as well as working out. They always look amazing and so put together, and their bodies? Ridiculous!

Working out was so much easier when I wasn't consumed with work and now, the holidays. I didn't even bother getting a Christmas tree this year, how terrible is that? I am headed out today to go do some shopping, which I can't even find the words to describe my glee.

2 miles

Odwalla Bar
Naked Juice
Veggie Sandwich on Whole Wheat
Spider roll
Yummy Roll,
2 pieces california roll
2 pieces spicy tuna roll

Customer Service Pros and Woes (Day 64)

Day 64 of 182

As I have mentioned before, I work for a large restaurant chain. I have also mentioned that I travel around to various locations. I have said, and continue to maintain, that everyone should work in a customer service based industry such as food and beverage or retail because these types of industries bring out the best and worst of people; both customers and employees.

Coming from a small town and a family with limited funds, I started working (besides babysitting) as soon as I could obtain a work permit. Before the permit, I worked along migrant workers picking berries in the summers and babysitting. I began hostessing around 15 and stuck with it here and there through college. I bought my first car, a navy blue Ponitac Phoenix hatchback for 800 dollars after three months of babysitting. (Most likely the ugliest car ever made)

I didn't fully realize one's abiltiy to be properly demeaned until I ACCIDENTALLY spilled coffee on a cash register which resulted in totally frying the system. I was called stupid, and incompetant among other things. I was embarressed and cried profusely. The manager yelled at me in front of the ENTIRE restaurant. I was 15 and mortified. Before restaurants, I was an introvert and a wall flower. Inherently, I am still that person, but I have had to learn to be outgoing and personable.

Anyway, the economy sucks in case you were not aware, and right now people, including myself, expect more for their dollar. Both in terms of service and product. I am constantly confronted with unhappy people more often than I would like to admit and it really begins to take a toll on the soul. Today, I was able to turn two seperate groups of people from unhappy with problems to estatic and calling my supervisor. I have been so consumed lately with unhappy people that I forgot how great it was to make people happy. It was refreshing.

I know that this has NOTHING to do with my current weight loss goal, but it is a huge part of my life. Being gracious and patient reaps increible rewards and it is humbling to have the opportunity to make someone's day better and leave a lasting impression. I feel thankful that I experienced today, even with all of the fustrations that went with it. Pay it forward.

FYI: I am SOOOOOOO sore from my arms and upperbody workout, it hurt to even drive!


6" Veggie Sub
Bag baked Lays
1 small salad with almonds and pecans
7 oz salmon
1 bun
1 beer


Case of the Mondays (Day 63)

Day 63 of 182

Most people get a case of the "Mondays" because of their return after a fun filled weekend. I, on the other hand, have worked all weekend and have a case of the "Mondays" because of the store that I will be working at today. This location is one of two that have become the baine of my existence and I have been anticipating today and tomorrow all week long; countdown to HELL! T-minus 3.5 hours. . . Yikes!

The alarm went off early for me this morning. . . and I got off work early last night, but my internal clock is set for a later hour than most. I hit the sack around 2 a.m. so at 9:00, I REALLY didn't want to get up! Seven hours should be sufficient enough sleep, but somehow it didn't seem like enough. I tried to eat more yesterday and on Wednesday, my day off, I will pop into a health food store and seek out some not so nasty protein drink to help ingest more calories.

3.3 miles
20 minutes bike
upper body strenght training (I have increased my push ups (only incline, because my wrists aren't strong enough to support my weight yet) from 3 sets of 12 to 3 sets of 25! I actually can see my muscle outlines when I look in the mirror! I love it!)
Total exercise time: 2 hours
1 english muffin
2 poached eggs
1 tbsp hollandaise
1 slice canteloupe
1 slice honeydew
1 6" subway tuna sandwich with 1/2 the tuna lots of veggies and provolone
1 bag baked lays
8 oz Gatorade
1/4 iceburg lettuce head with 8 grilled shrimp (blue cheese on the side)
1/2 slice cheesecake


Just another Sunday (Day 62)

Day 62 of 182

Well, another exciting Sunday. I am off to Vancouver today and I am looking forward to a smooth and prosperous shift. The last few days at work have been much less stressful and I hope that the same goes for today.

Thanks for all of the comments both here, on my blog as well as via Facebook. Your words of encouragement and cheer are truly gratifying. I had someone send me a comment yesterday regarding my diet and whether I am eating ENOUGH calories to sustain my activity level both personally and professionally. I figure that on any given day I walk the equivalent of 10 miles throughout my shift. It isn't the same as general exercise, but it does require a lot of energy and stamina. In addition, I exercise at least 5 times a week from an hour to 2 hours each time. I estimate that I burn close to 4500-5000 calories a day with a BMR of 3100, exercise and work.

I have often thought about whether I am eating enough. Especially when eating mostly raw foods such as vegetables and lean proteins, there aren't really a on of calories in those things. I add eggs, soy and cheese, with the occasional sweet or indulgence. My largest problem that I face is the ability to find the time in my day to eat. I figure that I should eat around 2000 calories a day (at least.) and I am probably on a low day around 800 and on a high day around 2100. I try to eat throughout the day, but my breakfasts are minimal and my snacks around 200 calories. When I am at work, I have little time to eat and when I do it is late, around 9:00 p.m., but then I feel guilty for eating so late in the day. I don't know, I am still working it out. I am contemplating purchasing a protein shake mix or something. I have thought about seeing a nutritionist, but I am really trying to do this on my own, so any suggestions would be helpful. I will try to track my calories now as well as the actual food to get a more accurate read.


Cheerios with milk (170 calories)
8 oz protein drink (120 calories)
iced coffee with milk (25 calories)
Iced coffee (I know, again...5 calories)
small salad
5oz pasta with griled scallops and light cream sauce

Will update more later. . .


D-Day (Day 61)

Day 61 of 182

Well, here I am, 1/3 of the way toward my goal date, making progress surely, but becoming aware that barring some act of God or the complete annihilation of food in general, that I won't make my weight goal, but that doesn't mean that I am going to give up trying. If anything I am going to try harder. I think that the very best thing about this whole thing is how I have been able to help motivate other people to get fit, not skinny but fit. I am encouraged so greatly by the efforts and successes of my friends, Keep up the Awesome Work!

I had a frustrating start to my day because of work, but I was able to work things out and now things are back on track. I had an altercation with another manager that left me disillusioned and fuming mad. After speaking with my manager today a part of me (and I wish it were a very small part of me, but it is quite big) wants to just rub his smug, Napoleonic face in it.

Back to the guts of my post, I continue to have my ups and downs. My good days and my bad and those days that I just can't seem to find the encouragement to continue. . . . then I think of this blog and my reader, then I refer back to my journey and goals then POOF! Slightly more encouraged!

Day 60
Height 71"
Weight: 233
Biceps 12.75"
Bust: 37
Waist 37
Thighs: 22.5
Calves: 15
Neck 14"

Total Inches Lost: 22.5 (ALMOST 2 FEET!)

So my friends, keep fighting the good fight and you will see and feel the change! Thanks for being there and keeping me strong!

I realized that I forgot to post my meals and activity
3.5 miles

Cheerios with milk
2 Odwalla Bars
8 oz protein drink
1 beer
7 oz salmon (no butter)
Large Salad with light cheese
nonfat yogurt

60 Days and the encounter of Mr. Creepy

Day 60 0f 182

Tomorrow is "D-Day." I am going to measure my success, much to my dismay or satisfaction; too soon to tell.

I worked closer to home today. Those who have worked in the restaurant industry know that you meet and interact with a plethora of intersting and excentric people and the occasional very creepy person. Today I encountered such the individual.

I had noticed him a little earlier in the shift because he was dining alone and seemed very aware of what was going on around him. I delivered his meal to him and he aked me (in a very creepy way) what my name was. I told him and he seemed pleased (again, creepy.)

I decided not to visit that table again. As Mr. Creepy left, I was standing near the exit and handed me a business card. I read it: Short but Sweet (huh?) He said that I would get a kick out of this but that he was "in to" tall women and believed that we should go and get a cup of coffee. (Did I mention that he was about 5'3", 230 pounds, old and balding? YUCK!) I graciously spoke with him for a few minutes, but the whole thing was strange. Do I take this as a compliment? I have no idea. I honestly wonder the success ratio of this methodology was, because if he does this often it must work a little, and to be honest, that worries me a bit. It actually worries me a lot.

So, tomorrow, I post my stats. Stay tuned!


2 peices of whole wheat toast
1 odwalla granola bar
small salad
2 peices of veggie delite pizza
1 beer
15 gummy candies

Thursday (day 59)

Day 59 0f 183

Here where I live, we have had a lot of cold and I mean cold temperatures. I am not repeat NOT genetically engineered for cold weather. I hate it. I have been staying at my mom's house the past few days in Salem (my husband is still very ill) and I am avoiding contact at all costs. I will be driving home tonight. I went for a 3 mile walk today with my mom and had a difficult time getting my heart rate up. She works out 3 times a week and still couldn't keep up and one thing that I noticed is that I crave that exertion. I am satisfied with the time spent with my mom and had a good time.

3 mile walk

English muffin
1 egg
Mexican food (which I puked up 30 minutes later, most likely due to MSG. I am allergic and I throw up just about 1/2 hour of consumption. I am diligent about label reading, but didn't think about the meal.)
3 peices of veggie delite pizza
1 nonfat yogourt

Wednesday Day 58

Day 58 of 182

A day off! Woo Hoo! My neice took my advice and asked "Whats up Cheese?!" And that stupid 5 year old had nothing! I guess that I shouldn't call a 5 year old a name. That probably makes me a bad person.

Anyway, I don't have a gym membership, as many people know, but my brother does and since it is soooooo cold outside, I splurged the six bucks to work out and remembered why exactly I don't like gyms. I just feel like a hampster on a wheel. All of these people working out methodically on any given machine, seeming so disenganged and on auto pilot. Sure there were T.V.s but no offense but the Glen Beck Show is not my ideal form of enternainment of point of reference for the news. I had my trusty (but old) i-pod and went at it, trying to stay stimulated. I made it through and a few of the leg machines (weights) did a number on them. That part was good.

6 inch veggie sandwich
small salad
1/2 quesadilla
Naked juice
1 latte
16 oz Gatorade
2 vodka sodas

Finally Friday (Actually Tuesday. . . Day 57)

Day 57 of 182

Work was terrible today! I swear, everytime I work in the Salem location, I feel as though I am in need of extensive therapy. It is THAT bad. It is both physically and emotionally exauhsting. I spent time today with my neice and did a little shopping. It was great to buy a few new items in a smaller size.

My neice is 5 and she was so funny today. She rides the bus to school and some boy called her a name on the bus. . . Cheese. Really? Is that the best insult a 5 year old can come up with these days? I asked her who he was and how she responded, and she said she tried to ignore him and that she didn't know who he was. I told her that tomorrow, she needs to be proactive and ask him "What's up Cheese?" and see what he does.

Oh the problems of the 5 year old!

Workout video (30 minutes with medicine ball)

protein bar
Veggie sandwich
pasta with shrimp

Numero 56 (Day 56)

Day 56 of 182

Got up a little late this morning. I get home on Sundays and watch my recorded programs and a rerun of "LOST" which is the BEST SHOW EVER! I got up in time for a good workout and some strength training. I have to drive to Salem today, I am really excited to drive to RESTAURANT HELL!!

My ailing husband is still very sick and coincidentally driving me nuts! I am kinda glad I am driving to Salem for a few to let him work this illness out, plus I do not want to get sick.

3.3 miles
2 mile bike ride
Bicep Curls
Push ups

1/2 bagel
6" subway sandwich
1 apple
non fat yogurt
sandwich with fish


Day 55 of 182

I have been falling victim to a few cravings lately. I even caved and had a piece of cheesecake. (It was delicious but not necessary.) I suppose that everyone going through this journey has their good days and bad. My good friend who HATED the food journal, kept one for three days and was super proud of herself! I am very proud of her too. So far she is down 4 lbs. That is amazing! I get to drive to Gresham for another 13 hour shift from hell. I love my job. I love my job. I love my job. If I keep saying it does it make it true?


1/4 cup cheerios
1/8 milk
protein bar
8 oz Gatorade
6 oz pasta with olive oil, shrimp and tomatoes
4 oz tillapia

Super Saturday ODBF DAY 54

Day 54 of 182

I got up a bit late and have to get ready for work soon, but I made myself a filling, protein rich breakfast. My husband is sick right now and, as any wife or girlfriend can relate too, my husband acts as though he is on death's door and I feel compelled to wait on him left and right. Get him coffee? Check. Make a bagel? Check. Juice? Check, Dayquil? Check. Excessive whining? Check. Check. Check. I am going to go for a quick walk then it's off to work again. Only a handful of days until my 60 day mark! I am freaking out a little bit. . . . . . .OK, a lot.

Work is OVER!!! At least for the day! Now, it is time to get ready for manana.

2 mile

whole wheat bagel
1.5 eggs
2 soy sausage patties
6 oz juice
4 oz protein drink
8 oz Gatorade
small salad
6 grilled shrimp
2 oz pasta
2 pieces of veggie quesadilla

Sunday is here, the terror is imminent.

53, 53, and 53

Day of 13\85.

I began writing this blog post, late last night after I got home from my exciting Friday night shift in Gresham (did you know that out of all of the cities/areas in Oregon, a person is most likely to be the victim of a crime in Gresham?) Boy, I am so glad that I have the pleasure of working there. I got home LATE last night, about 1:30, I curled up and began watching "Ghost Whisperer," and I fell asleep part way through, now I have to watch it all over again.

I mentioned yesterday that I had to go to the doctor. I was PETRIFIED to come face to face with the infamous DOCTOR SCALE!!! I also alluded to the fact that I am mid cycle right now as far as "woman's time" goes and weigh about 5lbs more than normal. I am satisfied to report that according to my doctor's scale, I have lost 8 lbs, which isn't a ton, but I figure that there are a few more pounds that will come off during the next few days after this part of my month is over.

I also confirmed that I have Athlete's Foot (YUCKY!) and a bacterial infection on the skin on my face of all places. I am officially a mutant face, but I am on antibiotics, so I hope that the redness and puffiness of my face will soon subside.

1 mile power walk
Push ups
leg lifts

protein bar
protein bar
4 oz protein drink
8 oz Gatorade
1/d veggie quesadilla
1 small salad


52 Days and Counting

Day 52 of 182

Today is the Oregon vs Oregon State Civil war game, and just one day closer to my 1/3 point. I am beginning to become anxious about posting before/current photos of my progress next week. Hopefully my followers won't be too disappointed in my progress. Last night, I went out for sushi with my mother and father in law (and my husband) and my mother in law made a comment like "Soon we won't be able to recognize you!" And, while appreciate the sentiment, I can't help but wonder if she was just being nice or if my progress really IS showing. My husband, of course, maintains that he definitely sees the difference, but after all, he IS my husband. Half of me sees the changes that I have made, while the other half of me refuses to see any change at all; and believe me, I am always looking for some semblance of progress. I have finally moved from XL workout clothes to large (except tops, because I need the extra arm length.) My lovely mom mentioned that I have decreased a cup size in my bra (thanks mom) and there are many of my tops that are simply too big, but I guess I saw more of a difference.

I am hoping after my "Aunt Flo" returns home that my extra 5 lbs that I am carrying right now will allow me to fit into some of my smaller pants once again. A few days will tell.

Unfortunately, I have to go to the doctor tomorrow, so I am sure that they will insist on recording my weight. Lovely. I was hoping to avoid that for a few days, but it has been nearly a month, so determining my status maybe either worthwhile, or devastating. We will see.

So, 8 more days till D-Day. I was a little sore from my medicine ball workout yesterday and hit it hard again. I started with my 3.3 mile (I put the 10lb medicine ball in my backpack for added weight.) I then went on a 2 mile bike ride, did squats with resistance bands and finished with 45 minutes of upper body strength training, just under 2.5 hours in total.

I am praying for good news tomorrow....Wish me luck!

3.3 miles (with additional 10lbs added)
2 mile bike ride
squats with resistance bands
Upper body strength training

1 egg
1/2 croissant
4 oz latte
16 oz Gatorade
6" Veggie Sandwich



Cinquenta y uno (ODBF #51)

Day 51 of 182

Today is the first of my ten day sprint toward my 1/3 way mark! I went the Goodwill this morning in search of a few heavier dumb bells, but to no avail. I decided to take a gander in the athletic section at Target and after much deliberation, I emerged with a 10 lb medicine ball, which I have named "Dumball." (It cost $20)I worked the lame ass DVD that came with it to learn a few moves and found the exercises stimulating, however, the super toned blond woman leading the video was less than awe inspiring. I am happy to have a new piece of equipment to play with now and will be doing some searches online to find out more exercises. When you live in a state where it rains mostly all winter long, you need to have plenty of indoor exercise options.

My husband and I are about to head out for another 2 hour hike! I can't wait! The weather today is perfect. It is sunny and you can pretty much work out in a t-shirt or light jacket. I looked into it yesterday and a 2 hour cross country hike burns nearly 1600 calories! That is insane! What a fantastic workout!

We are going out for SUSHI today, my absolute favorite thing to eat and I can't wait! All in all a good workout day and great day off. It's amazing how much time I have for exercise when I am not at work!

One thing that I have decided to do, which is going to be a big and scary step is that on day 60, I will post a before shot taken in August as well as a current shot taken that day. FINGERS CROSSED THERE WILL BE A DISCERNIBLE DIFFERENCE. I will let you be the judge.

Meals (so far)
Oatmeal (300 calories)
1/2 latte
1 protein bar
1 Gatorade
2 wontons
2 fresh lettuce wraps
1 spider roll (5 pieces)
1 avocado roll (eight pieces)
1 cup miso soup
1 lg iced tea
1 piece of tuna sashimi
1 piece of salmon sashimi
tuna nigiri
6 swedish swich

45 minute exercise ball workout
1.5(3.75 mile) hour hike
1.25 mile bike ride



Day 50 of 182

Fifty days and counting! This means only 10 more days remain until I reach the 1/3 mark of my goal. I am really going to put extra effort into my diet and exercise routine so that when I weigh in and take my measurements again on December 11th, I will know that I kicked my own ass to the best of my ability. No excuses. No "free" days on my diet. No "off" days from exercise. I resolve to stick to this short term goal. I am depending on my readers and cheerleaders to keep me on track!

The other day I referenced a comment posted by my sister in law about eating foods only found in the book of Genesis. I promised that I would look into it and I found a few things out.

1. The book of Genesis states that in the beginning, God mandated that humans and animals should eat a vegan diet. God stated that he had provided enough plants and seeds for human and animal subsistence.

2. Later, after the Great Flood, God allowed Noah to eat meat, but only because the world was covered in water and there wasn't an option for a plant based diet.

3. Throughout the Old Testament, there were a few modifications made to the diet and the Kosher diet was created. Eating cows, mutton (sheep) and chickens were permitted while pigs were off limits. Fish with scales were permitted, but bottom feeders like catfish along with crustaceans and mollusks were not. Eggs and cheese were allowed, and grains and fruits and vegetables were obviously an integral component. The kosher diet dictates that all food was treated with reverence and animals used as food had to be raised and killed humanely.

4. I found a lot of reference to "What would Jesus eat?" I found that (no surprise) Jesus ate a Mediterranean diet. He ate fish on a daily basis, breads, fruits and vegetables, olive oil and wine. Beef was permitted, but was saved for special occasions and was most likely consumed just once a month. It has been widely accepted that the Mediterranean diet is the most heart healthy and balanced way of eating out there.

Now, if one was to interpret the "Book of Genesis" diet literally, then things like Tofu, Garden Burgers and other newer, heart healthy foods would be off limits, but as my husband pointed out, that it makes more sense to think of it in terms of the ingredients of the foods we eat. For instance, eliminating artificial colors, flavors and additives makes more sense. This way of thinking and eating fits pretty well into my current diet mantra. Many people ask me why I have chosen to stop eating animals with fur. Morally I feel conflicted consuming animal products because of the way that animals are treated and cultivated. There are so much cruelty and indifference in the meat production industry in general. I have never been a huge meat eater to begin with and unless I know, without a doubt that the animal was treated and killed humanely, I will choose to refrain.

3.5 miles
2.2 mile bike ride
(Total cardio time 1.5 hours)

6 inch veggie sandwich
sliced apples
1 bag Baked Lays
16 oz Gatorade
1 piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter
1 grilled portabella mushroom
1 southwest salad/dressing on the side
2 cups air popped popcorn
2 kettle one/soda

50! (Minus 1) Day 49

Day 49 0f 182

A migraine. I forgot how awful it is. I haven't experienced a migraine in nearly three months which has been wonderful! There was a time when I was having at least one per week, sometimes every other day, so the hiatus was refreshing, I wasn't so keen on having to wake up with one. I began with ibuprofen, and eventually matriculated to my trusty Imitrex Sub Cutaneous (shot) and finished with a brief, but awful bout with nausea and vomited. Awesome. Needless to say, my workout was impeded a bit and I was only able to muster the strength to do a mile. The one downside of my medication is that it makes my skin hurt. . . I know that sounds weird, but it actually hurts. I have to wait to shower because the heat from the water feels like singing needles on my flesh. Even warm water feels ultra hot and it is very uncomfortable. The same thing goes for cold temperatures.

I made it to work, made it through the shift and now I am home. I have three days off in a row and I am looking forward to cleaning my house, seeing a movie and relaxing. We have an all too important Civil War Game this Thursday (University of Oregon vs. Oregon State) so I will be looking forward to that! Tomorrow is really day 50, AWESOME!

1 mile

Cheerios with milk
8 oz Gatorade
6" veggie sandwich
7 oz salmon
Large salad
17 pretzels
Non-fat yogurt