
Day 77

Day 77 of 182

So, I am off to the track to sync my NIKE plus devise to my I-Touch! Yes! I think that I forgot to mention that I had purchased my husband a Wii for Christmas and I am so so so excited to get the Fit board! I can't wait. Let's see how long it takes for him to get it ordered. . . I have been thinking a lot about New Years' resolutions these past few days. Last year I resolved to stop biting my finger nails (a truly disgusting habit) and I succeeded. I have never actually successfully completed a New Years' Resolution until this year and I have vowed to continue the trend. Narrowing it down though seems to be tough cookies though, but I have a pretty good idea of what I would like to accomplish. Obviously, it is NOT get in shape as that is already a work in progress.
I would like to add that I have had four separate individuals comment on my weight loss progress and it feels terrific. It definitely makes me feel more motivated and in control. I have 13 more days until the half way mark and another weigh in. . . OH GOD!

Simple Health Secret Number 7:
Give Yourself Time:
The average individual feels as though there is not enough time in the day (I know that I don't) We rush around from one thing to the next, not stopping until the day is over. The easiest thing to cut out of our day is a moment for ourselves, but time spent quietly alone is not a luxury, it is an important component of how we function. It is important to give yourself time to sit, to think, to feel. . .every single day.

I met a gentleman at my family's holiday party yesterday who took up yoga about a year ago and now practices it regularly and integrates meditation into is life as well. He has lost about thirty pounds doing this alone. When I go outside, crank up my I-pod and go on my three mile loop, I find not only a time of contemplative meditation, but also (obviously) exercise. I have come to find this time to my self invaluabl (extentionse and whether you get this through exercise, meditation or, in my husbands case, deeply engrossed in a book, it gives yourself time for just you.

2.5 miles
3.5 mile bike ride
upper body strength training with medicine ball
90 push-ups
100 bicep
Shoulder presses
triceps extensions

1 mini veggie sandwich on whole wheat, without mayo, added sprouts, avocado, tomato, olives spinach and provolone with cheddar cheese
1 bag baked lays
16 oz Gatorade
1 large salad with almonds and pecans and pineapple, tons of cucumber and tomato
1 beer
a few Mike and Ikes (approx 10)

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