
Operation Don't Be Fat Day 15

Day 15 of 182

The Satanic Scale is Dead to ME!!!
As many of my three followers know, today was weigh in day and I, being the delusional optimist that I am prayed (and promised my first born) that the scale would realize that it had made a gross error in calculations and display a number that reflected progress: It didn't. It was EXACTLY the same as Saturday. I hate the scale. I honestly, wholeheartedly hate the scale.

Most women, at least the ones that I know, weigh themselves in the buff do deter any extra ounce from impacting the scale and as I pulled my pajamas back on and sulked back the my bedside, I began to feel those same twinges of guilt, frustration and shame. I wonder, even as I write this "How can this be happening?"

My husbands response of "Well, at least it didn't go up," or "Well, your body is still adjusting," were not exactly comforting as I contemplated throwing myself from the Marquam Bridge. (This of course is an exaggeration, I would not seriously consider suicide for at least another six weeks without progress.)

I thought about my exercise routine yesterday and how hard I pushed myself. I thought about my meals and started thinking that perhaps my mother was right about the intensity in which I am working out. I vowed, for a split second, that I would not eat bread for four days. An arbitrary number I know and a ridiculous notion. (I made myself a slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter immediately afterward.)

I sauntered down to the kitchen to make my morning pre-exercise meal: (The toast) 1 hard boiled egg (sliced in half) a soy sausage and a banana. I then proceeded to arrange my food into the shape of a smiley face. The eggs as the eyes, the soy sausage as the nose and the stupid banana as the smile. At least one of us has a smile on our face right now.

(BTW my husband mentioned that his pants were falling down. . . He has no clue how pissed off that makes me if he says it again, I will bludgeon him with the
scale! )

3.3 mile (50 milutes)
Chest Presses 3X20 (3lb weights)
Bicep curls 4x50 (3lb weights)
Tricep Extensions 3x20
Push ups 3x15
1 mile walk

Meals ( so far)
1 slice whole wheat toast
1 hard boiled egg
1 banana
1 soy sausage
8 oz soy protein drink
1 medium apple
protein bar
6" subway tuna sandwich
17 pretzels
1/4 cup brown rice with veggies
8 oz gatorade
2.5 peices veggie delite pizza
1 yogurt non fat
1 cup squash


  1. Like the blog, sooo funny!!!! Remember muscle weighs more that fat, so maybe that why your scale hasn't moved :)
    by the way this is tina it won't let me post ny name

  2. Don't get discouraged even though I know how easy it is to do just that as I am the same way. You are doing a GREAT job and you should feel very proud of yourself!!!!!!! I'm proud of you and your determination!!! You go girl!
