
T Minus 5 Days (Day 85)

Day 85 of 182

Today marks the 85th day. . . I have my half way weigh in in 5 days! I am really scared and excited to see my results. I am really feeling terribly about my last few days with my limited exercise during the past three days due to my work schedule....but now that I am home, I can get back on track.

So, as I mentioned yesterday, I took notes on the first new Dr. Oz of the New Year and of course it was about weight loss and New Year's Resolutions. He mentioned that 80% of resolutions were to lose weight and that only 20% of those people stick to it and only 2% actually keep the weight off. . the statistics are a little discouraging, but also a little motivating. So I took a few notes and I wanted to share them.

Dr. Oz shared tweight loss secrets:
Its not about your weight, its about your waist size
The most your waist should ever be is the equivalent in inches to half your height. For me, this means 71” inches = 35.5"

Biology of blubber
1/3 of people have fatty liver is believed to increase the risks of heart attacks, diabetes and other health problems including cancer.

Replace simple sugars with whole fruit.
Sliced fruit not only adds flavor but also fiber.
Replace convenience foods such pizza rolls and other convenience foods
Good alternatives include rice rake, peanut butter on top along with raisins. Things to avoid simple white sugars, corn syrups, white flour (I am sorry, but DUH!)

Other tips
If a person was to cut just cut 100 calories from their diet each day for one year they would LOOSE 23 pounds! Hmmm.

Remove all of the large plates from your cupboard, reducing the temptation to over eat.

Cheat your taste buds, if you eat more spicy foods at breakfast, by lunch time you will not be as hungry.
Well, perhaps some of these tips help.

1 hour of cardio,
45 minutes upper body strength training

Bowl of Life Cereal
16 oz Gatorade
1 6" tuna subway sub
large iced tea
1 bag Baked Lays
1 Special K protein bar

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