
Day One Hundred and Five

105 0f 182

I got up today a little earlier than usual because I had a hair appointment. Someone (I will not mention any names) has more gray hairs than she would like to admit and given the fact that this certain individual is growing her hair out to donate can't use heavy chemical products so the color grows or fades a bit more quickly. .. . growing old really sucks.

You know it is bad when you wake up and your body hurts for no real reason what so ever. So, I colored my hair, trimmed it up, then went to train for my 5K. I CAN do it now if I walked and jogged, but my goal is to jog, so I headed to the track to begin my training.

Today though, I began my workout by using my inhaler. After my asthma attack the other day, I didn't want to take my chances. I actually had my best mile time ever thus far (thank you Nike+) but I have a LONG WAY TO GO!

2.2 miles

cereal with milk
ahi tuna salad
6 oz salmon
1/2 cup potato soup
1 piece pizza

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