
ODBF Day 87

Day 87 of 182

I know that you know that I am a woman. And, as a woman, I get to look forward to my monthly reminder that yes, although my mother told me that I maybe getting too old too have children, I am indeed still able to. The main problem with the monthly issue is the breast pain, the abdominal pain, the cramping, the exhaustion, and the generally accepted knowledge that I do indeed weigh more, about 7lbs more this week. The next three or five days, the water weight will leave my body and I will feel better.

I hate to expand on these things too much, so I apologize if the topic is annoying for some. I only wish that there were sometimes a man could really understand some of the frustrations that we, as women, experience when we try to lose weight and sometimes, it really does seem, that men can lose weight more easily while doing less. Or how much it stinks when your pants don't fit the right way, because of well, AUNT FLO.SCREW AUNT FLO!

I also realized yesterday on my hike, that I hadn't hiked for 4 weeks! Which has no resulted in some serious calve pain, coupled with incredible shoulder and arm pain from my upper body work out the other day. I pretty much hurt all over, so excuse me today for a day sans exercise.


16 oz Gatorade
6"subway tuna sand
5 bites of shrimp pad thai

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