
70 Days!!!

Day 70 of 182

Last night my husband and I went out to dinner with members of our family. We had decided to go to one of the locations that I work at because one of the perks is free food (as though I don't eat there enough, but one learns to get creative with the ingredients at hand.) I walked through the front doors and was greeted by an employee that I had worked with in the past. Little did she know, she made my evening. Without knowing my current fitness goal, she commented on how great I looked. To have someone comment on your progress is very affirming! It really made me feel great about my progress and that I am indeed moving forward. I am on day 70, just twenty more and I will be at the half way mark of my personal challenge. Twenty more days until I weigh myself again and measure. I need to make it count.

While out Christmas shopping the other day, I came upon a book titled "100 Simple Secrets of Healthy People." It lists everyday things that can positively affect your health and since this a blog about getting "fit" and more healthy, I decided that to name and comment on them. I have now, 112 days left and there are 100 secrets, so you do the math.

1. Use a plan, not a piecemeal approach: Your chances of sticking to a health improvement plan-eating right, exercising regularly or quitting smoking-are higher if you focus on your overall health rather than just the task at hand. Think about the things that you could do to improve your health and how each of them fit together, each act will reinforce everything else that you are trying to do.

When I began this journey, I had to separate losing weight from getting healthy. They can be two completely different objectives. I could have focused solely on the losing weight component, focusing mainly on diet, but because of chronic health problems like asthma, I wanted to breathe better and have a stronger and healthier body, something impossible to achieve through diet alone. Once I focused on health and not weight, things became more clear and choices became easier and health became a mindset as well as an objective. It really has to be a macro versus a micro approach.

1.5 miles
Upper Body strength training (30 minutes)

2 eggs with avocado and tomato and goat cheese
1 piece whole wheat toast

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