
37 Days and Counting

Day 37 of 182

I love having a DVR! One of the shows that I watch religiously is The Dr. Oz show and I watch it practically every day. One of the best things about Dr. Oz is that he places SO much emphasis on healthy living, including diet and exercise. There are so many people out there that are struggling with weight issues and low self esteem. One of the hardest things is mustering up the courage and the strength needed to begin making a much needed change, whether it is diet and exercise related or whatever other challenges that we may be facing.

I have a dear friend and mentor who recently reached out to me for encouragement and providing her with some much needed support was humbling. Now, I will not reveal the name of this particular friend, but I would like to note that she has had a profound effect on my life and was integral in the pursuit and completion of my education and has been there for me through the loss of my father and my brother. She is an amazing and selfless person. She is very wise and gives an incredible amount. One would never imagine that someone so beautiful, both inside and out, could possibly be unhappy with herself and her appearance. She appears to have it all together and epitomizes and strong and independent woman.

My friend is suffering. She feels trapped in her body and is very unhappy with her appearance. I can understand how she feels and have absolutely been there. I would have never thought that an amazing woman like her felt the way that I have. It goes to show you that you never really know what even some of your closest friends may be feeling. It is heartbreaking and I hope that my journey and path can provide her with even a small fraction of what she has provided me. I am working through this. Small steps become bigger steps which lead to huge leaps. Once the ball gets rolling, it is difficult to stop.

To my dear friend, just start with baby steps and you will soon find yourself leaping. I am hear from you, I will be here for your meltdowns and help you celebrate your victories! I love you! You are amazing and have been an inspiration to many.

2 Miles
Upper body strength training

Cheerios with a medium banana and 1/4 cup milk
6" Tuna Sandwich (half the tuna)
1 bag Baked Lays
8 oz Gatorade
1 Harvest Bar
1 small salad with 3 oz steamed crab

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