
Day 122

Day 122 of 182

I have been nervous about the up and coming holiday weekend for about a month and a half now. The past few years Valentine's Day has landed on a weekend, which intensifies things a lot.

So, today I am going to start preparing myself for the imminent hell that awaits me this weekend. I hit the exercise today but not hard, just a few miles. I am sorry, but today, I don't have a lot to say. I am stressing out about this weekend and of what lay in store for me.

2 miles

Cereal with milk and banana
Granola Bar
small salad
salmon with veggies
1 beer

ODBF Day 121

Day 121 of 182

It seems like everything in our house is either falling a part or breaking right now!I swear, there are probably half a dozen projects that need to be tackled, some of which will cost nothing, but a few that will most likely cost a little or perhaps, a lot. The most recent of which was our dryer. It bit the dust today and it is most likely dead. I kind of was expecting it though, because I have noticed that it didn't start automatically after pressing the start button several of the times that I most recently used it. . . and today it died. Adios dryer, thanks for all of the years of service. That means that I must now sacrifice my Wii Fit Board until next payday.

Maybe my currently unemployed husband will try to fix a few of the broken things around our home. . HINT HINT.

I have been losing a little bit of my motivation lately, I must admit. I am not sure what it is, a little lethargy, not feeling well, crazy schedule, most likely a menagerie of it all. I haven't done any strength training in a few weeks and my aerobic activity has dwindled to four times a week. I need to dig deep to rekindle my motivational spark. I hope that I can get the fit board soon so that I can spice things up a bit. I am beginning to feel a little bored with my current routine. I have not been eating enough fruits and veggies either. . I have a long list of the things that I am doing wrong, I must keep focused on things that I am doing.

3 miles

Cereal with milk
tuna sandwicb

Day 120

Day 120 of 182

I got up very very early this morning, I had to make an appointment in Salem, then had to be back in Portland by 11:00. . . I am not a morning person. I have never claimed to be nor will I ever be.

So, I endured a tedious and mind numbing work meeting, the only benefit being that I was able to enjoy an ice cold beer at the end of it, then I was off and barely beat the rush hour traffic home.

We have had some very nice days as of late, and I know that the groundhog saw his shadow, but judging by the weather today, one wouldn't know it. It is 60 and sunny! I got home and took Chula and the dog for a walk and soaked up some of the warm air and sunshine. I am preparing myself for a long and hard Valentine's Day weekend, so I am trying to soak up some calm before the certain madness.

3 miles

Grande Latte
Granola Bar
3" subway sandwich
16 oz Gatorade
handful baked Lays
1 beer
3 slices cheese pizza


Day 119

Day 119 of 182

I woke up today feeling a little under the weather. I feel like I am trying to get sick and I have had a hard time getting motivated to work out. I made an attempt to workout and after 2 miles, I felt exhausted and decided that it was enough.

I read recently that moderate exercise stimulates the immune system for a brief while after working out and those that work out on a regular basis are far less likely to get ill over all. Knock on wood, I have managed to get through this winter so far without getting really sick. There have been a few days where I felt like I was going down, but then I rebounded without incident. I hope that this is the same for this time around.

2 miles

naked juice
1/2 quesadilla
8 oz gatorade

Are you ready for some football!?

Day 118 of 182

Today is the Superbowl and today I am off from work, so that is nice. . . probably my first Superbowl off in several years. I have plans, just like a regular person!

I woke up a little later than I have been because I didn't hit the sheets last night until 3 A.M. My husband joined me for a workout this afternoon to help curb the beer calories I am destined to consume. I am routing for the underdog, The Saints and am excited to hang with friends and relax.

3 miles

cereal with milk
naked juice
16 oz Gatorade
garden burger with cheese
small salad
3 pieces of cheese pizza
4 beers
1 jager bomb

Day number 117

Day 117 of 182

I have been really struggling this week with my schedule, as I have mentioned. Today, I don't go in until later, which means that I won't get home until late. This allows me to workout during the time I preform the best. I am off tomorrow for the Superbowl and can't wait for the weekend!

I got distracted this morning though, because I got really caught up in Project Runway. . I love that show! So, after ward I went for a run and got myself ready for a busy busy day.

4 miles

Special K cereal with milk and blueberries
power bar
power bar
16 oz Gatorade
small salad
small salad
5 oz salmon
1 beer

My one hundred and sixteenth day


Another day another dollar right? I keep telling myself that. Today I got into an argument with a partner in one of our location about something trivial and petty, but I was pretty aggravated by the whole thing.

I maintained a professional demeanor but I was pretty frustrated. So, I muddled my way through it all, and made it work. Valentine's Day is quickly approaching, but I am not thinking of it in terms of romance. It is the busiest weekend of the year and it is crazy. I have been anticipating it's arrival for over a month now and not exactly looking forward to it.


power bar
16 oz Gatorade
veggie wrap
Naked Juice
2 beers
1 quesadilla